Your Grocery List Essentials
“The most basic human survival needs include food and water, sufficient rest, clothing and shelter, overall health, and reproduction.”
Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Physiological Needs go first in line on your list. This hierarchy is also what you can call the pyramid of needs, with the most basic needs at the bottom and more complex needs at the top. Now we don’t want to be very specific and theoretical about this, so to put it more simply, as the hierarchy of needs implies, we need food and water first and foremost.
You don’t just buy any food, you need to make sure it is also organized, systematized, and of course, enjoyable and pleasurable for your family members and loved ones. As the saying goes, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, you have to take into consideration the food you serve in your home. You need to make a nice home-cooked meal with the right ingredients.

As a Filipino, it’s already some type of tradition to make your grocery shopping some type of family bonding as some families go together to fetch some necessities in the grocery store. But for some, it’s an errand to do on your own that may be a bit time-consuming to do for a day.

What to Buy at the Grocery Store
Grocery shopping is one tough job if you ask around. It is a common challenge that we all most probably have experienced already. We often do over shopping where we buy even the things that are not on the basic grocery essentials, or sometimes, we tend to miss buying some items included in our mental note for our food shopping list.
It is a very big responsibility as you need to do it regularly and it is something that we need to put the effort into planning if you’re keeping a budget. We know making a list would require a bit of an extra effort but it would definitely save you time from running back to the store for the ones you missed.
Some may find grocery shopping a challenge so here are some of the few grocery essentials and what you can include in your basic food shopping list:
Since we are talking about basic grocery essentials and food necessities, Rice should come to the top of your list. We, as Asians, and as Filipinos, cooked rice is always visible at the dining table whenever we eat. If you’re served with an Adobo, you might want to pair it with white rice. You need to stock up on your rice for this is one of the items that have a longer shelf life.
This should always be part may it be a long or short food shopping list. Not only that it fill you up when you eat, but we also can’t hide the fact that it makes most Filipino main dishes taste even better.

Meat and Fish
If you’re from the city, after your long day from the corporate world, it’s nice to come home to a home-cooked meal. You need to make sure you have enough protein for your own body to keep up with your busy life in the metro.

Part of the grocery essentials is lean meat, poultry meat, and fish, to make yourself a nice meal at home. We all know how vegetables and fruits are very important for our health but so are meat and fish.

Cooking may not always come as the best option most especially for corporate people, since their life is a bit fast-paced compared to others. Or some may just prefer to skip the rice. This is where bread is very essential to stock and to add to your food shopping list. This may be one of the items in your list that are easiest to grab and find in your kitchen that could be an alternative to rice or anything that needs to be cooked. You can also use bread to make a great snack by adding some dried fruits, jam, and other fruit-related sweets to get you ready for the day.

Oil and Fat
This may be one of the most important ingredients when you want to cook. This is one thing your kitchen must always have. A stick of butter or cooking oil should always be available and part of your food shopping list. You’ll use oil, may it be sesame, cooking, vegetable, coconut, olive, to enjoy your food. A spread of butter is also essential for your bread if you want some buttered toast.

Dairy and Eggs
Milk, eggs, cheese, and the like. This is also one of the grocery essentials a household should always have. Everyone’s go-to food to pair up with a hot brewed coffee in the morning. Your big breakfast is never complete without any dairy products.

As you start your day, a slice of toasted bread with a layer of ham and cheese, some scrambled eggs, and your cup of gold to start off your day. Then, of course, a warm glass of milk to end your day before going to bed.

As important as the main ingredients like the meat, fish, or vegetables, it is also a grocery essential to have a complete set of condiments. Salt, pepper, vinegar, spices, ketchup are the items you need in your kitchen. Most especially for food enthusiasts, a single condiment changes the whole flavor and the whole dish so you have to make sure you stock up on the basic condiments.
There are condiments that are common to all countries but there are also others that may be used differently. The best sample is for us, Filipinos, we use soy sauce in different types of ways and different types of foods.

Fruits and Vegetable
This would probably be the most challenging part when completing your food shopping list. As meat can have a long shelf life because you can put them inside your freezer, fruits and vegetables get spoiled more quickly. But this doesn’t mean we need to skip them. It is very essential that we store fruits and vegetables for, of course, a healthier body. A grocery list should always have the basic produce such as onion, garlic, tomatoes, and leafy greens.

That is why planning plays a very big role when determining what to get. One best tip is to plan your menu for the whole week and determine the vegetables that get spoiled immediately. Also, you need to know which of them would have a longer life if stored inside the fridge, the chiller, or outside at room temperature. This way, you’d get to maximize their shelf life and avoid throwing out too much food.

Now you know your basics.
How should you do your grocery shopping?
To make your life easier, you should make a new routine and remove a few things from your list. You can do a lot of mixes and matches to do when doing grocery shopping as some food or ingredient may last longer than others. That is why figuring out your menu is very vital if you’re finalizing your food shopping list.
The reason why it’s hard to cook is that sometimes, we don’t have the right ingredients. The first step is planning ahead your meals to help save you time and effort plus it adds satisfaction since some of us tend to cook the same for over and over again. You might want to keep this list if you don’t want to keep the old habits. Your basic grocery list should be complete and this list should need to have everything you’d be needing.

Keep the total within your budget.
One more thing that we tend to do when grocery shopping is exceeding over your estimated budget. This happens most especially when you go grocery shopping with your kids or any other family member. Given that all goods are displayed, we tend to buy things we didn’t originally plan to buy and things that we don’t actually need. For people on a strict budget, keeping a physical paper of the list and bringing them to the supermarket would be the best to help you keep your total within your maximum limit. After securing the needs, then you may now put in the basket the wants.
Now that we have answered the “What?” the “How?”, now let’s help you answer the “Where?”
Your Themed Home, in the best location for your convenience.
One of the best things about living in Portofino Alabang is that you are near to almost everything you need. Portofino Alabang is a community that offers thematic houses and facilities that are also in near proximity to other essential establishments such as Malls, supermarkets, hospitals, universities, corporate centers, grocery store. Located in the vicinity of Daang Hari Alabang, it is very much accessible for people who are working in the metro but still wants to live in a peaceful environment. It is very vital when deciding on where to live if it is available for the things you would need. Transportation, your workplace, your kids’ school, lifestyle amenities, and most especially, markets where you can buy your food.

Down by the south, Vista Malls are within a few minutes away where you can cop your basic necessities and grocery essentials.
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Everything you need is within your reach
From the thematic houses, state-of-the-art facilities, accessibility to main roads, accessibility to the airport, 24/7 security, the list goes on for the perks of living in Vista Alabang. There is always a grocery store nearby when you’re Alabang that you can choose from. The nearest of you are living in Portofino Alabang is the AllDay Supermarket – South Molino (SOMO).
One best thing about it is that they offer delivery right outside your doorstep. For people who work in a corporate setting are quite busy that they would sometimes not have enough time to do all the grocery shop, then this would be very helpful.
Not only that you are already living in your dream themed house inside Vista Alabang, but you also get all the comfort and convenience you want and of your likes.
Learn more about Vista Alabang’s exclusive community. Inquire with any of our accredited Property Consultants.
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