Update on Covid-19 Vaccines for Minors
Vaccines for minors, also known as pediatric vaccines, have recently been distributed, and with mixed reactions from the public internationally and locally. Fortunately, Filipinos are more inclined to be vaccinated than not; it is only a matter of access to the vaccines. As of November 19, nearly 33 million Filipinos have been fully vaccinated against coronavirus in the eight months since the government launched its inoculation campaign, excluding vaccines for minors. This sounds like a lot but statistically speaking, only 30% of Filipinos have been fully vaccinated nationwide.

Vaccinated teenagers will soon be allowed to visit public spaces with limitations. | Photo by CDC from Pexels
Despite not having achieved herd immunity yet, the country is lowering travel restrictions and reopening its borders, bringing back public gatherings, and resuming operations for restaurants, salons and spas, and other types of establishments in the services sector. This month, cinemas are opening as well. However, the public is strongly advised to follow health protocols and refrain from too much public exposure. Although facilities we have been looking forward to all year are finally open, let us not forget that there is still a deadly Covid-19 virus that could affect you and your family. Please enjoy these responsibly.
Speaking of family, a lot of Filipinos are wondering when they could finally enjoy family gatherings and bonding activities together with their children instead of just watching them learn and grow in the limited confines of their homes, even if they lived in Brittany Corporation’s most expensive houses in the Philippines. And now that there are talks of vaccine boosters that will hopefully be available soon, parents have also highly anticipated vaccines for minors. Although not all minors are eligible, it’s still good news that more and more Filipinos are getting immunity from the life threatening aspects of the Covid-19 virus.
When Does The Government Start Vaccines for Minors?
The government finally approved vaccines for minors after enough research and lab test findings abroad found that it would be almost completely safe for children. Note that I mentioned almost because all vaccines do come with a risk, although not nearly as harmful or deadly as the Covid-19 virus. Last November 3, 2021, there was an official kick off which then proceeded to the full implementation starting November 5, 2021. The schedule was reportedly set to prepare minors for the gradual shift to limited face-to-face classes next year as well.
At first, the government planned on administering vaccines for minors in regions where the inoculation coverage of the A2 sector or senior citizens had reached 50%. However, due to the steady supply of Covid-19 vaccines in the country, the government decided to implement it nationwide. In fact, according to DOH Undersecretary Myrna Cabotaje, vaccines are so readily available that people can just walk in.
Furthermore, 18,666 minors with comorbidities already received their first dose of vaccine during the initial phase of the pediatric vaccination in Metro Manila last October 26, 2021.
Target Population: 12,722,070 minor individuals
Target Areas: Nationwide rollout (16 regions and BARMM)
Kick-off Date: November 3, 2021
Start Date of Full Nationwide Implementation: November 5, 2021
End of Year Target: To vaccinate at least 80% of the target population by December 2021
What are the Available Vaccines for Minors?
Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire confirmed in an interview that minors will be receiving the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for the pilot run, operating in 50 hospitals nationwide. However, minors aged 12 to 17 will be prioritized for now to avoid possible health risks on much younger children. Furthermore, this age range consists of both K-12 and college students who would benefit greatly from face-to-face interactions and physical schooling. Citing the Philippine Statistics Authority, there are around 12.7 million children aged 12 to 17 in 2021.
DOH Undersecretary Cabotaje stated in an interview that DOH is targeting to vaccinate 80% of the target pediatric population by December 2021.

Vaccinated minors will be eligible to learn in a face-to-face environment. | Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
How do I enroll My Children for Pediatric Vaccinations?
If you are an adult who has already been vaccinated, then you are already familiar with the vaccination enrollment process. Although some employees were enrolled by their respective employers, applying for a slot for your child would be a much smoother process compared to before. The only major difference in processes is that minors need to present a signed consent form from their parent or guardian. They must also have a parent or guardian present to assist them throughout the process, showing proof of relationship to the child patient and his or her personal identification for authentication purposes. Security will be strict in implementing this protocol because children are involved.
You may contact your hospital to see if they are one of the select hospitals that administer vaccines for minors. You may also check with your local government unit if their vaccination program includes minors, as they will have a separate lane for children to avoid overcrowding. Make sure to pre-register online or via call first to confirm a schedule with your chosen provider. Walk-ins may not be accommodated to avoid crowding.
Minors without comorbidities will not be required to present a medical certificate, but minors with comorbidities are required to bring their medical clearance.
Standard Vaccination Procedures
Emphasis on the Following Steps:
1. Health education
2. Informed consent and assent from signing
3. Thorough health screening
Vaccination Sites Administering to both Adults and Minors:
1. Provide a separate lane for pediatric vaccination
2. Tailor fit vaccination area to accommodate parent/guardian
3. Utilize a separate vaccine carrier for vaccines allocated for pediatric patients, in order to prevent inadvertent administration of non-EUA (emergency use authorization) approved vaccines for minors.

Make sure you register online to confirm a schedule with your vaccination provider. | Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels
Luxury Homes Philippines: Keeping Your Children Safe
During the pandemic, there is no better time to purchase properties for sale, especially luxury properties Philippines. Private properties are high in demand right now because of the comfort and security they bring to discerning buyers and wary families. People are even moving out of Manila to escape the hustle and bustle and enjoy the open spaces and relaxing air of provincial life.
Pre Covid-19 pandemic, many Filipinos preferred high rise luxury condominiums in the heart of the city. If not for business, families invested in these compact spaces for their children who were physically reporting to school at the time. Close to universities, teenagers would crowd the elevators and rush to school. Likewise, employees would encounter a lot of people going to work, no matter how close they lived to the office. Of course, with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, everything changed.
With the shift to a home schooling and work from home setup in the beginning of 2020, families are finding themselves buying luxury properties for sale that are more conducive to productivity, relaxation, and both family and personal growth. Furthermore, privacy, sense of security, health protocols, access to nature, proximity to key locations such as grocery stores and hospitals, and a good community have become more of a need to the Filipino family. Of course, these are essential when you are living and experiencing everything in a confined space. The more space you have, the more peace of mind you will experience.
Of course, children are of utmost importance to every Filipino family. A lot of parents went on a craze for all the best learning materials and online classes they could find in order to boost their children’s development from inside the home. However, even learning within mansions in the Philippines does not compare to learning from a teacher in person, together with peers of the same age. Children who began their studies during the pandemic were deprived of group projects that required collaboration, leadership, problem solving skills, and other skills important in a child’s growth. Dealing with friendships, fights, and other social interactions are also important in a child’s social development. That is why the sooner the world is cured of the Covid-19 virus, the sooner children can adapt to what normal living is actually like.
But before you put your properties up for sale, it is also important to note that a good home is just as important as a good school. Checkout Brittany Corporation’s mansions in the Philippines.
Tips for Households with Unvaccinated Children
1. If your child has not been vaccinated yet, refrain from bringing him/her to public enclosed spaces where they could contract the virus. Even if you are vaccinated, please remember that you may still carry particles of the virus from outside exposure. Bringing the virus to your home may make your unvaccinated child more vulnerable to Covid-19.
2. Make sure to have an area by the front door for donning and doffing of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Dispose of your gloves, masks, and face shields right away in a trash bin placed outside of your house. Upon entry, remove your outside clothes and toss them into a hamper that should not be mixed with uncontaminated clothes. Always place fresh clothes in this area so that you can come home and change right away before you see your children.
3. Always check in on your children for any signs of any illness or injury. Almost 50% of childhood injuries occur at home, with about 89% of those injuries being unintentional. Parents can prevent injuries by limiting their child’s access to potentially harmful objects or areas. This means baby proofing your entire home and watching them closely to see where they wander off and potentially hurt themselves. Treat open wounds right away because they can be easy entry points for bacteria, germs, and even the Covid-19 virus.
4. Schedule online check ups instead of visiting the hospital. The hospital can expose you and your children to more than one illness, not to mention the Covid-19 virus. Only visit clinics when required. Right now, there are also mobile labs or at medical home services you can contact for your child’s needs, may it be pediatric care, dental services, among others.
5. Enroll your child for vaccination for minors as soon as you can. Only vaccinated children will be allowed to report to school and the closer the nation is to achieving herd immunity, the closer we are to going back to a regular sense of normalcy. It is for the safety of your children and for everyone else. Make sure they are well fed before going to the vaccination site and that they are wearing sleeveless shirts or shirts with short sleeves.
Tips for Vaccinated Minors
1. As instructed to adults, minors should also stay at home for at least two weeks after vaccination. This is because of the fact that it takes an average of two weeks for a vaccine to take full effect.
2. Constantly check in on your vaccinated children to check if they are experiencing any side effects. If they are, immediately consult your family doctor.
3. Strictly follow the same health protocols and refrain from going outside too much. After all, vaccines for minors were approved so that they could experience face-to-face learning soon.
4. Make sure to constantly remind your children to always wash their hands, avoid touching their faces or scratching their eyes, and bring a pocket sized alcohol or hand sanitizer at all times. Every member of the family should still intake their daily vitamins because the vaccine is not a replacement for supplements.
5. Spread awareness to fellow parents about your vaccinated child in order to encourage other families to initiate their children’s vaccination as well. The sooner they get inoculated, the sooner they can play outside and have fun the way children should.

Always have open communication with your child about the dangers and protocols against the coronavirus. | Photo by Monstera from Pexels
Brittany Corporation is a leading luxury real estate company that develops family friendly and safe home communities that practice strict security measures and health protocols. Whether you are reporting back to the office and your children are going back to physical schooling or not, these mansions in the Philippines are pandemic proof. Learn more about Brittany’s initiatives and offerings today.
Next Read: COVID Variants: What Makes Each One Different?