Homeschooling VS. Home-based Learning: Which is the Best for my Child?
One of the major changes that most people had to deal with during the Covid-19 pandemic is the education of their children. With the government prioritizing safety, students are banned from going to school. As a result, many schools adapted their curriculum so that the learning of the children will continue even if they are staying at home. Schools nowadays offer both home-based learning and homeschooling. Though a lot of people use these terms interchangeably, there is a significant difference between the two.

What is the difference between homeschooling and home-based learning?
In homeschooling, the parent acts as the teacher. Traditionally, in homeschooling, the parent designs the curriculum and teaches the child in his/her own time. To be able to reintegrate into a regular school, the child needs to take the assessment test administered by the Department of Education of the Philippines (DepEd). However, there are homeschool providers that are accredited by the Deped. By enrolling in these providers, the curriculum and materials are already provided, and the child’s transcript and accomplishments are officially credited. Therefore, it becomes easier when the child enrolls in a regular school or goes into college.
On the other hand, home-based learning is teacher-based. This means that a formal instructor is responsible for the education of the student. The teacher prepares the curriculum, instructs the child, implements deadlines, and coaches and motivates the learner.
While both can be done in the comforts of your luxury home, the key difference is the principal educator – the one responsible for teaching the student.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling?
Even before the Global Pandemic, more and more parents have been opting to homeschool their children. The main advantage of homeschooling is flexibility. The parent can design the curriculum based on the ability of the child, as well as the knowledge the parent wants to impart, and the schedule of both parent and kid. As more parents become global trotters, homeschooling provides a viable option to educate.
Other advantages of homeschooling include creating a more meaningful bond with the child and providing a safer and more peaceful environment for learning.
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On the other hand, homeschooling also has its disadvantages. One major setback is that the child may have difficulty in adapting to regular school. Another disadvantage is having no distinct difference between the school and the home. As a result, smaller children may be prone to restlessness, boredom, or even anxiety.

Which is right for you?
While both options may work for the globe-trotting, luxurious lifestyle, you need to consider time and resources to be able to decide which is the right one for you.
As a parent, you need to assess how much time can you give in providing education to your child. Remember that being a teacher is actually a full-time job. On top of instructing your kid, you need to design the curriculum and create materials and teaching aids. You also need to brush up on a personal level the basics of Math, Science, and English to be able to teach your kid effectively.
On the other hand, Home-based Learning normally needs a good internet connection. While some schools have adapted an asynchronous way of teaching, it still needs connection to download materials and submit them.
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Regardless of which option you go with, keep in mind that you need to provide an environment conducive for studying. Your Brittany Home in La Posada in Lakefront Sucat creates the perfect backdrop for learning because of its quiet, serene, and peaceful surroundings. The spacious room design of the houses adds an ambiance of serenity and peacefulness optimal for your kid’s learning experience.
Remember that a successful home education, whether it be homeschooling or home-based is largely dependent on the support of family, and the surrounding environment.
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