Self-Care Month: A Vital Foundation in Life
You’ve heard it from a friend, seen it trend on your social media accounts, and seen it used in marketing campaigns and health systems. But self-care is far more than a buzzword or a marketing tool. It is, in fact, an important lifestyle choice that entails prioritizing things that keep you healthy in both mind, body, soul, and spirit.
Self-care, when done correctly, isn’t about buying products or indulging selfishly—it’s about setting healthy boundaries, making healthy choices, and avoiding the negative consequences of stress and self-neglect.
September is Self-Care Awareness Month, a national campaign aimed at raising awareness about the value of regular self-care. If you have a habit of putting your own needs last on your to-do list, now is the time to prioritize your physical and mental health.
Self-Care Awareness
Self-Care Awareness Month is a month to raise awareness and remind society that it is crucial for our well-being. Selfcare is usually ignored by people throughout the day. We often place the needs of the people before our own, and it is also important to remember that we can never empty our cups. While massages or walking are wonderful instances of taking time for our well-being, the power and scope of self-care are even greater. Selfcare has no limits! Everyone can practice it daily without exception. Selfcare does nothing to entail self-care. Instead, you focus your whole life on yourself.
Why is self-care so important?
The goal of self-care is to empower people to be active participants in their healthcare. In addition to being the right thing to do, there is a great need with healthcare systems under increasing strain. Self-care is important, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), because it promotes better health outcomes, prevents disease, and helps people cope with illness.
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A well-balanced life is necessary for personal effectiveness, mental peace, and living well. The challenge is to strike a balance between what we must do and what we enjoy and choose to do. This is not always simple. However, if we are unable to reduce stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle, there may be physical and/or emotional health consequences. To make you understand why it is important to take care of each part of your life, here are the 8 categories of self-care.
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- Mental Health Self-care
Our mental health is influenced by our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It influences how we think, feel, and act. It also has an impact on how we deal with stress, interact with others, and make healthy decisions. Mental health is essential throughout life, from childhood and adolescence to adulthood.
While the terms are frequently used interchangeably, poor mental health and mental illness are not synonymous. Even if a person does not have a mental disorder, they might nevertheless be in poor mental health.. Similarly, a person with a mental illness can have periods of physical, mental, and social well-being.
Activities that improve mental health include journaling, meditation, and coaching or counseling; these are strategies that allow you to grow, learn, and reflect. It is also beneficial to maintain a positive attitude while finding a balance between positive and negative emotions. Don’t forget the attitude of gratitude in your everyday life! Practicing gratitude allows you to enjoy each moment in your life.
- Emotional Self-care
Emotional self-care is the deliberate practice of caring for one’s mental health. Taking care of one’s emotional well-being is essential for long-term recovery, as emotional stability can help prevent depression.
Emotional self-care involves nurturing, processing, and healing our emotions. It is critical to recognize that the affective state, or mood state, has a disproportionate impact on our quality of life. Any healthy personal or professional relationship must have emotional boundaries. Simply saying “no” is a practice of emotional boundaries. You should always have a limit in any relationship beyond which you will not allow certain people in your life to do certain things.
- Social Self-care
It is critical to have a supportive group and a network of healthy relationships around you. Social self-care includes asking for help when you need it, spending time with family and friends, and honoring your commitments to others, such as showing up for planned activities or returning phone calls.
Asking for help when you need it, spending time with family and friends to replace health systems, and honoring your commitments to others, such as showing up for planned activities or returning phone calls, are all examples of social self-care.
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- Spiritual self-care
People nowadays are always rushing and occupied. As a result, we are bombarded with stress, ungratefulness, and negative emotions. Spiritual self-care involves cultivating meaningful beliefs and values that guide your life. The only way to keep our natural balance is to develop a Spiritual self-care routine because it is the process of caring for and maintaining the harmony and balance of our soul or spirit is known as spiritual self-care.
Other forms of self-care interventions, such as meditation and prayer, help to mitigate the effects of stress on the body while also calming the mind. Journaling, going on a retreat, walking in nature, doing a hobby you enjoy, and expressing gratitude are all examples of spiritual self-care. According to research, being thankful increases happiness and decreases depression.
- Professional self-care
Self-care is also a good way to remind yourself that you are a person first and an employee second. If you incorporate a self-care routine into your day, you will feel more centered and satisfied with your workday. Professional self-care includes taking a lunch break every day at work, negotiating your work needs and expectations with colleagues, setting clear professional boundaries, and participating in professional development opportunities.
Health workers are the most affected group in the COVID-19 virus fight, as they have been tasked with assisting the millions of people who have contracted the virus. The health workers well being and emotional resilience is critical components of continuing healthcare services. Anxiety, panic, depression, anger, confusion, ambivalence, and financial stress are some of the common mental effects of the pandemic.
A health worker himself must promote self-care in order to best serve a patient. Just like how they advise the patients, they too must have an adequate amount of sleep, engage in physical activity, must have easy access to sanitation, and stick to a balanced diet. For quality health services, they must prioritize their health.
- Physical self-care
We can engage in physical self-care in a variety of ways. It goes far beyond exercise and nutrition, though both are extremely important. Physical self-care is essential not only for supporting our mind, body, and spirit but also for improving our health and wellness.
Going for a walk, taking a bath, eating nutritious foods, resting, and getting enough sleep are those basic suggestions to keep your body healthy. Sleep not just make your life long, but it can have a significant impact on how you feel emotionally and physically. Inadequate sleep can even lead to serious health problems.
Beyond getting a pedicure, getting your hair done, or taking a bath with your favorite bath bomb, there are numerous ways we can physically pamper ourselves, and it is especially beneficial when we can be intentional and mindful when engaging in such self-care activities. You can take a long break and do the things that fuel your passion for singing, dancing, painting, hiking, and a lot more!

Read: How To Create A self-care week: 7 Days of Self-care
Significant Issues that Affect Global Well Being
- Inadequate access to health systems – Poor quality health services are stifling progress toward better health in countries of all income levels. The economic and social benefits are clear, but a stronger focus is on investing in and improving quality to build trust in health services and provide everyone with access to high-quality, people-centered health care.
- Humanitarian crises – A humanitarian crisis is an event or series of events that pose a serious threat to the health, safety, security, or well-being of a community or other large group of people. What has become clear is that, as natural disasters become more frequent and more devastating as a result of climate change and as violence and conflict spread, causing instability, fragility, and mass displacement of people, this humanitarian system is struggling to adapt to the new dynamics. It is critical that we begin to consider how we can build on systems to be capable of coping with the needs resulting from conflict and natural disasters.
- Armed conflicts – Conflicts have an impact on human well-being, lowering the quality of life and limiting people’s abilities, making it difficult for them to live the life they value. Armed conflicts not only cause the loss of lives, livelihoods, and opportunities, but they also have an impact on human self-esteem and fundamental human rights.
- Climate change – Climate change caused by increased human emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases is already having a widespread impact on the environment and mankind. Its effects are evident as sea ice loss, accelerated sea level rise, extreme weather events, and longer, more intense heat waves. Heat and drought are also detrimental to human health. The amount of heat that the human body can withstand is limited. In addition, a lack of clean water to drink or grow food can lead to illness, malnutrition, famine, migration, and war. Some simple ways you can do to combat its effects are recycling, conserving the use of energy, and choosing organic materials.
- World’s population – Population growth has an impact on the environment, culture, politics, food supply and demand, and the ability of some natural resources to replenish.
Benefits of self-care
This self-care month aims to empower individuals! But first, make an effort to have a healthy relationship with yourself so that you can radiate a positive atmosphere to others. You cannot give to others what you do not possess. While some may mistake self-care for selfishness, it is far from it. When you pay attention to your well-being, you are not only thinking about your needs. You’re reviving yourself in order to be the best version of yourself for those around you. Everyone around you benefits from your renewed spirit and joyful attitude.
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