Blue Mind: The Mental Benefits of Being Near The Water
Living through a global pandemic has been mentally draining for everyone around the world. At first, many were thrilled with the idea of staying home all the time, and how the hustle culture had to be put to a sudden stop.
However, weeks became months and months became years, and little did some people know that this health crisis already took a toll on their mental health. It was a good thing to survive a dangerous virus that took the lives of many—some might be people we know—but battling a mental health issue because of it is as alarming.
The Pandemic and Its Effect to Mental Health
According to a report by World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022, there was 25% increase in the prevalence of mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression all over the world during our battle with the COVID-19 pandemic. This significant increased was triggered by many stress factors such as fear of being infected, losing one’s source of income, grieving someone’s death, being isolated from community, and many others.
This concern calls for more mental health professionals and providers to step up their game to be able to help more people who are suffering from this problem. It also triggered the world to be more open to discuss such issues which are considered taboos decades ago. Now, even mainstream media such as films and television shows are putting light into a number of mental health issues to raise awareness and stop the prejudice to the people who are going through these difficult ordeals.
Now more than ever, there is also a great increase in the number of studies that are meant to help people battle mental health issues and let them live each day in a better shape. One of these studies is the so-called Blue Mind Theory.

What is Blue Mind?
There is a best-selling book that explains Blue Mind and its impacts to one’s well-being, specifically to a person’s mental health and happiness. This book, Blue Mind: The surprising science that shows how being near, in, on, or under water can make you happier, healthier, more connected, and better at what you do, is written by marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols. He is also working on a program to further explain the science of the water’s healing power and how it is effective to improve one’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being called the Blue Mind partner program.
Simply put, Nichols said that the term “blue mind” is referring to the mildly meditative state that people fall into when near, in, on or under water. Opposite of the blue mind is the so-called “red mind” which can be associated with one’s anxiety or over-stimulation —a state of mind that can be caused by the world’s hustle culture.
It is not just Nichols though, there are also a number of scientists with proven studies to further back up this theory. There are plenty of research that proved how spending time near the water brings people to a state of elevated and sustained happiness. One of the popular ones showed how interacting with fish in aquariums can positively influence a person’s well-being such as promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety and physiological stress.
How Does Water Improve Mental Health?
Throughout the years, spending time with nature is known to be an effective way to release stress and rest from the cares of everyday life. One of the top, if not the top, vacation activities that people love to do is going to a resort, beach, or anywhere with a splendid body of water.
For so long, it is quite a mystery why this going near water has become a default idea for a vacation. With the Blue Mind Theory, there might finally be an explanation.
The Sense of Wonder Water Brings
Ever heard of the peace brought by knowing something greater than ourselves is out there? Whatever a person’s religious belief is, being near water is enough to make people release the stress of feeling like they are carrying the entire world on their shoulders. Seeing a large body of water before one’s eyes is enough to calm that burdened heart and reconnect with the universe, realizing once again that it is not us, tiny humans, run the show.
Also, an interesting fact about the Earth’s water is that it takes up more than 70 percent of the world and yet, only five percent of it has been explored. Scientists say that it is more likely that we know more about the outer space than the Earth’s deep ocean.
If this information does not create a sense of wonder in you, I do not know what will.

The Complete Sensory Experience for Relaxation
You just know that a huge population of the world is experiencing trouble resting on a daily basis with the number of available content on the internet to help people sleep. There are videos on YouTube of sea waves or other soothing sounds on loop for hours, and the rise of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) videos of any random activity which are reportedly effective to make people relax.
Being near, in, or under water gives the complete sensory experience. The sound, the sight, and even the smell can instantly calm one’s internal state. There should be more studies to further explain this phenomenon but it is a universal experience for most people. There is just something about water that brings a more positive state of mind.
The Perfect Place for Reflection
The water’s dynamism can hold a person’s attention and turn off all the noise out in the world. Hearing a body of water near is the best place to be mindful and reflect away from the hustle and bustle of life. It brings out the inner peace so we can be able to reconnect with it despite the chaos happening around the world.
Even though exercising the Blue Mind Theory cannot replace the importance of proper treatment and therapy for diagnosed mental health issues, it can help aid healing and restoration caused by anxiety or traumas from past experiences.
According to a recent study that was published from a survey answered by respondents from 18 different countries, those who reside near bodies of water—also called blue spaces—were reported to experience less mental distress and have a significantly better overall well-being. The benefits of being near water are surely bringing positive results to one’s body and mind.
The present world might be at the height of technological advancements. However, many people find it necessary to move “backwards.” In a society that sees urbanization as a sign of success, some are defining it differently. Success can also look like a healthy body, mind, and spirit. It is a good thing that we are slowly arriving at a time where people can see beyond what the majority dictates and have the courage to decide against the norm.

If living in the city is not working out for you, maybe moving to a more serene, quiet place is the way to go. During the pandemic, there was a trend of people moving to rural areas to avoid the crowded, worsening scenario in the city. This backwards type of migration became more popular at the height of the global pandemic. Some of the top spots in the country for relocating are provinces with world-class beaches such as Siargao and Boracay.
Moving to the Paradise called Boracay
Planning to move near the beach? You can never go wrong with Boracay! If it is a dream destination for every summer getaway, what more if you will be given a chance to permanently reside near its pristine and glorious beaches? Living everyday like a vacation is more than a dream come true!
Even though it is more popular as a vacation spot for the longest time, over the past years, the island of Boracay was also finally seen as a good place for residential properties. As of today, there are numerous real estate projects in the works in this paradise, one of which is the luxury condotel by Brittany Corporation which is soon to rise in this beautiful island.
Know more about Brittany Boracay where you can experience luxury living each day, at your own home! Visit Brittany’s official website or follow their social media pages for the latest updates.
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