Interior Design Trends of 2022
People had been confined inside their homes for extended periods of time in the past several months, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This idea never seemed to be exciting to anyone, especially the adventurous ones who always seek something different in their lives on a weekly basis. People used to complain about wearing themselves out at work five days a week and only having the weekend to destress and do something fun. Now more and more people have to stay at home for work and they rarely go out, unless it is necessary to travel, so the distinction between the weekdays and the weekends kind of becomes blurry.

Even people who looked forward to working from home need a break, too. | Photo from Westend61 of Getty Images via Harvard Business Review
The home is now associated with work and stress for many people, and they struggle to find ways to have fun and relax in their own homes. The rooms that used to be sanctuaries and even studios for one’s creative endeavors have now become workplaces. They lose their allure because people spend so much time working, being stressed, and thinking about other responsibilities in these spaces. Thus, smart interior design becomes important.
Interior design is something that is usually considered when buying a new house or having one made for his family. People would look for spacious villas that have good interior design in fancy neighborhoods, or they would hire interior designers to help create their dream homes. This is all good, but people should know that they can make some design changes in their own homes without having to have a full-blown renovation. There are simple ways to make a house be more liveable or comfortable to be in for the whole family.
In this article, interior design trends of 2022 are going to be discussed. 2022 obviously has not yet started, so these are based on predictions. Various things are considered, such as aesthetics, utility, and concept, among others. Adopt the things that will suit your home fine, and take inspiration from them as they may just give you an idea of what else you should put or take away from your personal space. Not everything in here may suit your style, so just take whatever will give your home its much-needed upgrade.
If you happen to enjoy looking at homes with good interior design, you may want to check out Brittany Corporation. They can offer luxury homes that may just fit your ideal house and lot. See their website for properties for sale, house and lot for sale, condo for sale, and luxury house and lot for sale. Think of your favorite interior design trends of 2022 in one of the luxury homes of Brittany Corporation.
Home Office

A neat and bright space for working to lessen the stress. | Photo from Gira
Some people may still frown upon bringing work into the house because for them, home is for the family, but it is time to finally accept that the norms are changing. The new normal now is that people have to lessen the time that they are outside and do whatever they can do at home, at home. People do not like this, because they associate work with stress and ignoring the people they love while doing it, but it does not have to be that way.
Working from home is a flexible experience because one has more time for the things he has to do since travel is no longer needed and there is no need for much preparation when one is just staying inside his home. What he can do is to make his space more conducive to working. He can invest in ergonomic furniture and computer accessories. He can also switch his old stuff to new ones with better designs, just to make the space look more exciting to work in. Things people associate with a home may not exactly motivate them to work more, so getting stuff that looks just a little bit foreign may be a good decision.

A home office for the whole family. | Photo from Architectural Digest
Another good idea is turning one room into a home office for the whole family. Who says you have to work alone and ignore everyone else in your own home? Making work a family affair seems to be more fun and less tedious. One can work side-by-side with his partner and even watch the kids as they study in a spacious home office. This way, the rest of the house does not need to be tainted by work, because there is already a designated space for that. A bright and well-lit room with shelves, house plants, and big windows is sure to encourage the family to work there more. There are a lot of ways to make a home office great, which is why it is one of the top interior design trends of 2022.
Worried that your home may not have enough space for this? Give Brittany Corporation a chance, as they may just have the right house and lot for you. They can offer you properties for sale, house and lot for sale, condo for sale, and luxury house and lot for sale that may just have the room for your home office.
Outdoor Space

An outdoor space to maximize the space beyond the walls. | Photo from Ed Gohlich via Better Homes and Gardens
You may be wondering why outdoor spaces are considered for the interior design trends of 2022, but people have been bringing the indoors outside lately, so it is important to also plan for the design of these spaces. Not only do people do outdoorsy stuff outside, but they even make their outdoor spaces look like the inside of their homes. Coffee tables and sofas just seem comfier when taken outside.
Gone are the days when the yard, the garden, and the veranda are just extensions of the house that are ignored by everyone else except for the people who clean them. People yearn to spend more time outdoors without having to worry about compromising their safety, so they take advantage of the space that their homes have.
There are a lot of things people can do with a well-designed outdoor space. It can be a space for sports and recreation for the children. It can be a fancier spot for brunches and tea with the in-laws or the neighbors. It can also be a space for someone in the family to show off her gardening skills. The possibilities are endless.
Indoor Plants

Classic indoor plants for a one-with-nature vibe. | Photo from Jay Scotts
This is a trend that just does not seem to stop, for good reason. Indoor plants are a good way to make a space look more sophisticated, natural, and even relaxing. Aside from them adding to the appeal of a room, they can help purify the air in your home, given that you have the right kinds in the right amount, so this is definitely one of the interior design trends of 2022.
If people have been bringing indoors to the outdoors, they certainly have been doing the opposite as well. People are becoming more and more adventurous in an effort to keep some excitement going on in their homes. Plants are a good way to spice up a room because they are both functional and beautiful. Even if one is not very much into plants, there are easy-to-care-for species out there that do not take much work to maintain. One can ignore his house plants and be very thankful for them when he brings some visitors over and they admire his greenery.
Looking for some luxury homes to put your beloved plants in? Check out Brittany Corporation for some properties for sale, house and lot for sale, condo for sale, and luxury house and lot for sale. You may just find your dream house and lot and see a worthy space for your leafy friends.
Spending more time at home should not feel like a punishment, because it is, after all, home. There are smart ways to transform one’s space into something that is more pleasurable to live in, whatever he is into. The interior design trends of 2022 presented in this list are just a few ways to turn staying at home into an experience that is positive for everyone in the family. You can take inspiration from these and set your own trends as well.
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