How to Verify a Real Estate Listing
The COVID-19 pandemic has people looking for ways to pass the time while they’re stuck at home. For many, this has meant turning to the internet for entertainment. From streaming movies and TV shows to playing online games and posting on social media, there are endless ways to stay connected and occupied online.
This surge in internet usage has had a major impact on businesses, as more and more people are shopping online and using online services. It has also led to an increase in rent prices, as renters are now willing to pay more for apartments with good internet access. As a result of the pandemic, it is unlikely that we will ever go back to the way we used the internet before.
While some people may view spending extended periods of time staring at screens as a bad thing, it has become the new normal for many individuals around the world. With rent and mortgage payments still due, businesses closed, and a global pandemic raging on, people have turned to their phones, tablets, laptops, and personal computers to spend their days, and nights.
Many people come up with creative ways to keep themselves interested and busy when they are stuck inside, surfing the web or playing video games. This is to keep you from getting bored. This is the new reality for many people, and even though it’s not ideal, they’re doing their best to make the best of it. Even though it’s not perfect, this is now the way things are.

Inevitably, probably seeing the value of a good home since almost everyone has stayed indoors for the past two years, users began to search for real estate listings online. Yes, people started checking where they can buy the best houses in the Philippines through online real estate listings. says that a real estate listing is any public notice of a condo for sale, a house and lot for sale, or other real property on the market that is listed in a newspaper, on the Internet, or on a sign in a public place. These ads help promote and sell any kind of real estate development, such as single-family homes, multi-story detached buildings, townhouses, separate apartments, empty land, and even luxury real estate.

Speaking of luxury real estate, you can view property listings by Brittany Corporation here: Brittany Property Listings
Your Real Property Verification Checklist
Of course, without expert knowledge, a person might conclude that every real estate listing online is just like the other, and as such, they are all legitimate. With a few photos, decent-looking basic information, and contact details for the seller, one can be quickly deceived that property listings are real. To determine if a property listing is legitimate, there are a few crucial factors to look out for.
For example, if the photos appear to be professional, staged shots rather than candid snapshots, that may be a sign that the listing is not legitimate. Additionally, if the price seems too good to be true or the contact information for the seller is sparse, that may also be cause for concern. If you’re not sure, it’s always best to talk to a real estate agent or another property expert if you’re not sure.
But, how do you verify if a property is real and it is genuinely being sold by the owner if it is pre-owned? This is where your real property verification checklist comes into play. The last thing that you need in your life is to be scammed when you are simply dreaming of having a high-value personal property.

The house above is Elliot which can be the perfect family home for you. See what’s inside and learn more about this luxury real estate listing here:
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Beginning with Residential Real Estate
Nowadays, property listings are widely available online. While this makes it easy for buyers to find homes that fit their needs, it also makes it difficult to determine which listings are legitimate and which are scams. There are a few key things to look for when searching for a legitimate real estate listing. You may help ensure that you locate an authentic real estate listing and prevent being conned by following the instructions below. Here are a few pointers:
Double Check the Sales Prices
Home buyers tend to get attracted by deals that are too good to be true. If this is the case, there is a possibility that what you are looking at online is not really how it is in person. For real estate investments, especially if it’s luxury real estate, you’d better check out legitimate providers of real estate market prices.

Instead of simply relying on postings by real estate agents, you may visit the actual website of the property being offered to you. Chances are, you will only find the real value of houses in the Philippines when you go to the actual site of the real estate developer. Some real estate agents have the tendency to do clickbait prices or promos to catch attention. The only concern to take into consideration is to make sure that websites are also updated since there is always moving when it comes to the market value of real estate.
Find some of the best houses in the Philippines through Brittany Corporation Property Listings, or if you have a sales inquiry, you can simply visit this page.
Featured Article: No Way But Up: Real Estate Prices Continue To Rise
Featured Article: Consider These Points Before You Sell Your House
True Real Estate Professionals Give You Complete Info and Photos
Photographs are useful marketing material that allows potential buyers to get a glimpse of what a property can offer. But, you deserve more than a mere glimpse of the property you are eyeing to purchase from a real estate listing. If photos would really sell a property to you, then it should be well presented, clear, and complete.

If a real estate agent really intends to sell you a home, he or she will not hide anything from you. Legitimate realtors understand how valuable the money you are using for investing is, so they will not try to trick you into buying a living space that has problems and needs repair.
So, number one, make sure that the photo of the property is clear and that most of the major details in a room are visible to your naked eye. Second, check if the photos you are looking at are unique or original or if they are not another copy of a similar individual unit. Real estate agents with a genuine intention of selling you a good home will do their best to provide quality photos of the properties they are offering.
Finally, talking about effort and genuine intention, they will also not leave a room out of your sight. As a result, as was already said, make sure that all of the images match the number of rooms listed in the property description. Contrast the floor layout in the real estate listing with the actual images.
Other than photos, you may also visit Brittany’s homes virtually through YouTube.
You Have the Right to Be Inquisitive
Moving forward, if you have made sure that the photos are legit, you can continue checking if the property you’re looking to purchase has no issue at all. You deserve to be properly informed about your potential investment in a house and lot for sale or a condo because you are putting your hard-earned money into it.

With that right, home buyers must then have the capacity to ask the right questions. You can ask the realtors about the history of the property, even the real estate land if there are no active fault lines or what it is like being in that community where the residential real estate is located. Main construction, other improvements made, amenities, and details about the previous ownership, if applicable, are also some main categories to consider.
When you are in the process of buying a home, you have the right to be curious. You also have the freedom to bombard the vendor with inquiries. This is their profession, and they should be able to answer any questions you have regarding the property.
ou should also search for someone who is patient and accommodating. You should look for a vendor that is willing to walk you around the house and explain all of its advantages. You will also want someone who is informed about the real estate sector in general and who is up to date on market trends. Buying a home is a huge decision, and you’ll want to be sure you’re working with someone who can help in the process.
Partnerships are also important
Other than price, photos, and the right questions, you can also verify a real estate listing by checking its financing partners. See if there are any banks or other financial institutions ready to help you purchase your dream home. If you see reputable institutions associated with your realtor, then that means that they can be trusted. Also, it would be convenient for you to make real estate transactions through a known and trustworthy bank.
When searching for a good estate agent, it’s equally vital to look into their partnerships. Always be wary of a real estate agent who won’t seal the sale with a bank you know and trust. Something does not seem right here. Placing yourself into trouble with the law is the last thing you need. As a result, working with an agent who has established relationships with reputable financial institutions is the ideal option. As a consequence, rest assured that your transaction will happen as planned and that you will not be exploited.

Brittany Corporation gives value to providing quality services, including financing. You may explore our website or our LinkedIn profile to learn more about Brittany homes.
Some Notes for Commercial Real Estate
One of the major categories in the real estate industry is commercial real estate. There are business developers who can turn the undeveloped property into commercial multi-unit buildings, like office buildings or shopping centers. Many businesses then may look at vacant land to purchase or spaces to do business in.
For commercial real estate, the parameters above are still appropriate. Additionally, though, for commercial properties, you can check the JLL Philippines or Colliers Philippines websites to validate market prices. The real estate industry contributes so much to the economic growth of an area. So, the price of a property from January 2022 may be updated to June 2022, and significant movement may be the reality. Hence, instead of relying on a random real estate listing, you’d better check these websites to ensure the true price.

Secure Your Real Estate Transactions
You deserve to make a profitable and verified investment. It doesn’t matter if it is for single-family homes or commercial spaces. Verify every aspect of your potential new house and lot for sale or condo for sale in order to spot the ideal property for your future residence or place of business.
Your Real Estate Developer
Property investment from Brittany Corporation is a wise choice. Lots, house and lot, and condominium units are among the options we have available for our customers. It doesn’t matter what you’re looking for; we’re guaranteed to have it. You may have faith that our group of highly educated property specialists will put their expertise and years of experience to effective use in assisting you to make the most profitable investment of your money in real estate that is feasible. As a consequence of this, don’t waste any more time before getting in touch with us and letting us help you locate the house of your dreams.