How To Prepare For House Guests

We’ve been locked down in our homes for almost two years because of the COVID-19 crisis, the reason why we weren’t able to visit our friends and relatives in their houses and invite them to ours; perhaps you already miss a lot of them and badly want to have a bond together, right?

The good news is that many countries are progressing from the situation where we can invite our loved ones to our homes! But probably, you still need to remember the right ways to prepare for guests because of the pandemic. So, relax and sit back as we give suggestions to help you prepare your house and welcome your guests to be sure to make them feel at home.

Questions to consider before the arrival of the guests:

  • Avoiding Entry Chaos

Starting at the door is the first step in keeping the house tidy and orderly when extra visitors are present, especially during the colder months when more outerwear is needed. How can you prevent your guests’ jackets, shoes, snow-covered boots, gloves, hats, and other belongings from overrunning?

How do you implement the no-shoes policy in your home, too? If that is the case, you might want to prepare some slippers.

  • Drinks for Morning, Noon, and Night

Do you provide a coffee or tea station for the early risers, or do you let them fend for themselves? Or are you awake early in the morning, pouring coffee (and possibly enjoying a few peaceful moments)?

Do you have a bar set up for a cocktail hour so guests can help themselves if they like some alcoholic beverages?

How To Prepare for House Guests

  • Meals and Snacks

Do you function as the maître d’, chef, and waiter during the visit, or do you direct your guests to the locations of the snacks and light meals so they may assist themselves? What dishes and libations do you prepare for visitors? What treats do your visitors like?

Are you at ease asking your visitors to assist with tasks like laying the table? Do you use the time you spend washing dishes to decompress and refuel your social life, or do you prefer it when visitors pitch in?

  • Play Time

Holidays are a terrific opportunity to pull everyone away from screens and into enjoyable activities after the bowl games. What types of sports, karaoke, games, puzzles, or other activities do your guests enjoy? Do you have any suggestions for inside entertainment when the weather prevents outdoor play and walks?

  • Watch Parties

Of course, screens can be fantastic for a shared activity like movie night.

If you meet together for a watch party, who gets to choose the movie or show? Do you come up with options before your guests arrive?

  • Sleeping Arrangements

How should the rooms that your guests will sleep in be furnished? Do you keep additional quilts and pillows on hand? Do you have to have fresh flowers or plants when you welcome guests? What additional things do you enjoy setting out for visitors?

  • Sharing Bathrooms

Do you have any advice for planning showers so the hot water won’t run out or for reducing the length of the bathroom line? For instance, my uncle Steve goes to the downstairs powder room to shave in my family.

What accessories do you provide to make your visitors feel at home in the restroom? Are there convenient locations for toiletries, first aid supplies, and additional towels?

If you desire to invest in a property that would be ideal for hosting your guests and allowing them to experience luxury living, Alabang’s Portofino Heights provides opulent house and lot developments for sale that are modeled after the cosmopolitan Italian style with traditional old-world charm and are surrounded by exquisitely planted gardens and walkways.

Essential Things you should always have for House Guests

Being able to host visitors in your house is a true accomplishment. You reside in a well-known area, have friends and relatives who wish to visit you, and have a lovely home with (at least some) sleeping accommodations. Plus, entertaining your guest is a lot of fun.

Hosting is a major responsibility, despite that. The quality of your hospitality and house affects how much your guests will enjoy their visit, and providing the correct facilities can help guests feel as though they are staying in a five-star hotel. Here are some suggestions for providing visitors with a five-star experience when visiting your home.

Questions to consider before the arrival of the guests

1. A weighted blanket for simple comfort

Traveling is stressful, and finding a place to sleep can be challenging. A weighted blanket might assist your visitors in unwinding and managing travel-related sleeplessness so they can fall asleep.

2. In case visitors forget their chargers

We are dependent on our technology. This applies to your guests as well, and they will need to keep their electronics charged while they are with you. The fact that you are such a considerate host will be appreciated by any visitors who left their chargers at home.

3. Most excellent sheets we’ve ever used

You need linens for them to sleep on if you want to ensure that your overnight guests can receive a decent night’s sleep.

4. Kit for Personal Hygiene

Some of the daily necessities that your visitors may need while traveling may slip their minds. Everyone has experienced it, but it’s always inconvenient to begin a vacation by stopping at a gas station because someone forgot their deodorant and no one packed any toothpaste.

5. A lovely extra set of towels

Although they may seem frivolous, guest towels are a definite requirement if you plan to welcome any visitors. Always have extra towels available because people need to shower, wash their hands, and stay clean. A set of guest towels might also help you with hospitality. To ensure that guests always have access to clean towels, keep this set separate from your towels.

6. These extra hangers can be used to hang jackets and garments.

If you don’t provide a place for your guests to store their clothing, they’ll either live out of their bags or scatter their possessions all over the floor. Keep a couple of extra hangers on hand so guests can unpack and settle in better.

Kit for Personal Hygiene

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If you adhere to these straightforward strategies, you won’t need to scramble to hide goods in the oven when those unexpected visitors appear.

It takes work to prepare for guests, but try not to overdo it. Guests should be treated in the same way that you would want to be treated at a stranger’s home: indulged but made to feel at ease and at home.

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