Unique Challenges: How To Maintain Glass House During Summer
Glass houses have become a mark of modern luxury homes. Huge glass windows and glass walls are often the star feature of the most beautiful houses in the Philippines. Being a tropical country, the weather in the Philippines can get very hot during the summer. This can sometimes pose a problem as homeowners are unsure how to maintain glass house during summer.
If you are thinking of building the glass house of your dreams, make sure to invest in luxury lots in Villar Land for your future luxury home. Forresta Villar Land is envisioned to be a forrest luxury estate, which means having a glass home in this exclusive luxury community will give you endless views of the trees and greenery in your neighborhood. But before you build your luxury glass house, it is important you know all the tips and tricks in maintaining glass house during summer and all year round.
With this helpful article, you will learn about the two main concerns luxury real estate homeowners face when maintaining glass house during summer. And this article will also tell you the best ways to keep your glass house in the best condition during the summer season.
How Do You Maintain a Glass House
Glass houses are stunning show-stoppers, especially in luxury real estate. Large glass walls and windows can give you scenic views, sunlight, and access to the beautiful sky. You can also use your glass walls to feature your most striking art pieces and subtly put them on display for your neighborhood. But all types of homes come with its own set of challenges, and glass houses are no exception.
Keeping it Clean
The first question that homeowners always ask is how to keep glass house clean. And that is a valid concern. Having several large glass panels at home can be difficult to clean as streaks and handprints can be very obvious, especially under the summer sun.
You can also get frustrated that you have to clean both sides of the glass to keep your glass house clean and looking beautiful. Further down this article, you will find the different tools and products you need for how to maintain glass house during summer.
Keeping it Cool
Having a glass house can sometimes give your home a greenhouse effect, where the temperature inside your home is higher compared to the outside temperature. During the cooler months or in the rainy season, this can be a positive thing. But how to maintain glass house during summer also includes keeping temperatures inside your home cool during the hot summer months.

There are several ways you can address the temperature in your glass home in the summer. All this needs to be planned and included in the design featured for your luxury home. So keep this in mind as you set out to build one of the most beautiful houses in the Philippines at Forresta Villar Land.
How to Keep Glass House Clean
To keep your glass house clean, here are all the tools and products you need, as well as cleaning techniques you should use and other considerations when it comes to maintaining glass house during summer.
Use A Bucket and Microfiber Cloth
While it may be tempting to simply hose down your exterior glass walls to clean it, this can end up leaving too much residue as the water dries, leaving the glass looking streaky. If you want pristine-looking glass houses in the summer months, then it’s better to put in some elbow grease and clean with a bucket of cleaning solution and microfiber cloth.
Have enough cleaning products in your bucket for the section of glass you will be cleaning so you don’t have to keep refilling it. Using a microfiber cloth will also make it easier to get rid of any streaks and dirt as you clean your glass in summer.
Invest in A Squeegee and Step Ladder
Having tall glass panels in your luxury home means you will have to clean some hard-to-reach areas. The best way to keep glass house clean is by adding a squeegee and a step ladder to your cleaning arsenal.
To use the squeegee, make sure that only the tip of the squeegee is on the glass. Apply even pressure as you wipe the window, wiping down the squeegee after each pass. Use the step ladder to help you reach the highest corners of your glass surfaces so you don’t miss a spot.
Use Commercial Grade Glass Cleaners
Regular window cleaners work well for occasional spot cleaning of your glass surfaces. But to keep the large glass surfaces in your home sparkly clean, you should consider using commercial glass cleaners. Your home uses glass as exterior walls, and being exposed to the elements, these surfaces will accumulate dirt and grime from weather, traffic, and wildlife.
Nothing will ruin the views from your majestic glass house more than realizing just how dirty the glass is when the shine shines through it. And if it has been several weeks or even months since you have last deep-cleaned your glass walls, then commercial glass cleaners will help you bring clarity and shine back to your glass surfaces.
Clean Glass From Top to Bottom
For a streak-free glass house in the summer months, make sure to clean your glass walls and windows starting at the top and going all the way down. Spray the cleaner onto the glass surface as you go, then wipe or scrub with a microfiber cloth or a squeegee. Keep doing this until you have cleaned the entire glass surface.
Clean On an Overcast Day
Maintaining glass house during summer will be hard enough with the summer heat and sun. To make cleaning you glass house as efficient as possible, opt to clean on cloudy or slightly overcast days.
Not only will the cloud cover protect you from the sun, it also means that the water and cleaner you use on the glass will not rapidly evaporate and cause streaks or buildup on the glass.

How to Keep Your Glass House Cool
Keeping your glass house cool in summer is another maintenance concern you have to address so you won’t feel as if you are living in a greenhouse. Glass can trap heat inside your home, making the temperature rise. Sometimes, this results in the heat and the air inside your home being higher than it is outside.
So before you build your beautiful glass house in Forresta Villar Land, in one of the coveted luxury lots in Daang Hari, here are some tips and tricks to keep the temperature cool inside your glass house during the summer.
Add Curtains and Shade Cloth
One of the easier ways to keep the temperature down in your glass home is by adding curtains and shade cloth. These can block out most of the harsh sunlight while still keeping your home bright. These should be a great help in keeping your home cool in warmer weather.
Use Proper Ventilation
Ventilation, especially in a glass house, is important so you can avoid feeling like living in a greenhouse in the summer. Ensure that some parts of your glass wall and windows can be opened, to allow the air to circulate and dissipate the heat in your home.
If you can, ensure that you can open glass panels in different areas of your home to allow for cross ventilation. As air comes in and out through the windows, the temperature in your glass home can be better managed.
Add Houseplants
Adding some indoor plants to your home can actually help lower the temperature as well in the summer. The plants you choose as the cooling agents can help make your home feel cool in the hot weather.
When the space heats up, like in a greenhouse in the summer or in your glass house, the plants indoors will release some excess water into the air. As this water evaporates, your plants cool themselves and their environment.
Get a Good AC System
Of course, to avoid a greenhouse feel to your luxury glass home in the summer, make sure you have installed the right air conditioning system for your space. With a good system, you can cool your room and your entire home while maintaining energy efficiency.
The AC units should be the right type, size, and number for the space you want to keep cool. Seek the advice of professionals so you can better keep the temperature in your home exactly to your liking.
Forresta Villar Land is the Best For Your Glass House
One reason why you want a glass house is so you and your family can enjoy the scenic views of your neighborhood in summer and in every season. For that to happen, you need a beautiful luxury community, and Forresta Villar Land is the perfect place for you to build a glass house.
Invest in one of their highly coveted luxury lots in Daang Hari and build your glass home in a forest luxury estate developed by Brittany Corporation. Wake up and go about your day while you savor the views of trees and greenery.
The beautiful luxury lots in Villar Land will inspire you to have a home featuring large glass windows and walls. Inquire at Brittany today and live the Forresta Villar Land lifestyle!
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