Health and Fitness Guide For Busy Entrepreneurs
As an entrepreneur, business-related concerns in and outside the office is ever-present. From answering important calls to upholding close communication with many key individuals crucial to running your business, keeping yourself healthy amid all this business chaos is undeniably difficult. However, bear in mind that working while staying on top of your fitness journey is not impossible. There are ways to start, and Brittany is here to give you an in-depth health and fitness guide. You can take advantage of this guide to gain some insight and a fresher perspective on how to make a switch to a healthier lifestyle as soon as possible.
The Business Giants’ Health and Fitness Guide
Have you ever wondered how the wealthiest business people keep themselves fit? How can massive entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Tim Cook, and Mark Zuckerberg stay atop their game? The answer is quite as simple as it can get. And, surprisingly enough, all of them have the same routine in their health and fitness guide: wake up early, begin the day with exercise, and work.
Of all the things to know, remember that working is mostly the last thing they do in a regular routine. Before anything else, they start each day seeking a kick of energy through working out. Here is Brittany’s curated health and fitness guide for busy entrepreneurs to help you start an active and healthy lifestyle like the world’s biggest entrepreneurs. Keep reading and take notes while you can!
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Health and Fitness Guide for Entrepreneurs

1. Set a crystal clear schedule and commit to it.
One thing most entrepreneurs overlook is setting boundaries. The most common example is having a work-life balance. Certainly, running a business is not easy. Prioritizing your personal development is also as important as upholding your business processes.
Therefore, bear in mind that from the time you will sleep to when you desire to start your day, setting a regular schedule is the first thing to guarantee your success. Living a luxurious lifestyle does not necessarily mean you have to buy expensive things to manage a peaceful rest. Sometimes, all you need to keep yourself healthy is to dwell in a business-friendly living environment, get plenty of sleep, and have your share of an adequate workout.
Waking up with energy and clarity allows you to plot out the rest of your daily schedule with ease. Not only that, but it also aids in ensuring that your ability to decide soundly is intact; thus, helping your business executions run smoother.
2. Establish a routine.
Consistency fosters your habits. And habits? They make up a person. Hence, wanting to start your fitness journey does not end by planning alone. It has to happen regularly. Unknown to most, little habits matter both in your stamina and focus. So, overlooking it should never be an option.
“I seriously doubt that I would have been as successful in my career (and happy in my personal life) if I hadn’t always placed importance on my health and fitness.”
Zooming in on Richard Branson’s statement for a blog lets us see how he puts emphasis on how crucial staying fit is in running a business. Even one of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time prioritizes health to uphold his success.
We suggest that you take it from Branson, and establish a routine you can commit to today.
3. Find out what routine you like doing best.
Doing a workout routine you love is way more fun than forcing yourself to actually start something you dislike. So, once you get extra free time, consider consulting a fitness coach to find out a routine that will work best for you. We have our own likes and dislikes, so getting to know your preferred routine helps. For example, the world’s richest entrepreneur, Elon Musk, likes running on a treadmill and lifting weights. Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, on the other hand, prefers cycling and rock climbing instead of the regular gym workouts. See how it differs for everyone? Sitting down and finding out your own preferences of when and how to start your health and fitness journey is the only way to start.
4. Meditate.
Keeping yourself active despite these trying times is important, but having stable mental health is crucial, too. Find a perfect time for you to meditate and get your thoughts in check. From time to time, it is okay to seek peace and quiet to be able to revamp your mind. This will help you think and process multiple pieces of information quickly as an entrepreneur. If you haven’t tried mindfulness meditation, we suggest looking into it. It helps heighten your ability to think clearly; hence, resulting to sound decision-making and worthy results.
While spending time with yourself, work interruptions will be inevitable. It is a part of your daily life as a business person, after all. But, when you are meditating, it is a rule that you rid yourself of all the distractions that may arise. Even for just 5 or 10 minutes every day, turn your phone on silent and shy away from your computer. Focus on yourself on these quick daily 5- to 10-minute meditations and see the change for yourself.
5. Eat healthy meals.
You have probably heard of the saying “you are what you eat.”
In fact, this saying gets thrown around too much it starts losing value. These days, we opt for convenient food because it is much easier to prepare. However, do we actually get our money’s worth out of it? The most probable answer is no.
You are a highly effective person. Thus, to perform even better, a healthy diet is a must. Cutting out junk food and sugary treats is something you should consider when preparing your meals. It is way better to have a body equipped with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables for it fosters the mind and the body. Fizzy drinks and fast food, however, do more harm than good.
Switching to a healthier diet today is the best way to go since apart from getting healthier both physically and mentally, you get to save money, too.
6. Define your boundaries.
Do you not want work distractions once you are out of the office? Some entrepreneurs do not mind, but every person differs from the other. Setting a clear boundary is not something to get bashed on. It is one way of keeping yourself from work burnout, which is harder to cope with once present.
Here is a crucial tip to keep in mind when setting boundaries: establish your priorities. Take all the time you need to note down what matters to you and keep it precise. Afterward, work with those jotted down priorities and see what you can do in parallel to devise and keep well-developed boundaries. Since health is one of your priorities, be sure to set boundaries that allow you to commit to it.
Remember that this step is the key to unlocking your entrepreneurial success. Being straightforward and open with your priorities and goals will let you craft decisions you will never have to regret in the future.
7. Plan ahead of time.
What do you spend your last hours of the day on? To be a high-performing person, you have the option to spend the last remaining hours of your day planning out what needs to be done the next day. This, in turn, rids you of the stress of procrastination and allows you to work smoothly. Healthier mental health causes a better outlook on life.
Planning may sound tedious, but as we grow older, the ability to think wiser gradually increases. This is because we get thrice as many life issues as we had the day before. If you are able to get your plans down and eliminate as many unnecessary decisions as possible for the next day, everything will just flow smoothly.
8. Be aware of your limitations.
As a person with great responsibilities, you are expected to work around the clock and respond whenever someone is in need of help. Despite this huge misconception that you are always available and ready to work, you should know deep inside that you are also a normal person who gets tired from all the business fuss. Being aware of your limitations is a way of keeping yourself healthy, too.
Once you have set your limitations, you will see how easy it is to say “no” to things that just are not worth your precious time. Of course, it is unavoidable that you will receive negative feedback from saying it. Here is a perspective: saying no today gives you plenty of room to say yes to better things tomorrow. So, like what you do in planning, jot down your limitations and communicate it kindly—but openly at the same time—to people close to you.
You can start by communicating your boundaries to your clients, business partners, employees, and even your family. Set up your workweek, including your email checking and response times, and other things you need to keep yourself under full control.
9. Move to a space that allows you to get fit.
As an entrepreneur, your adeptness to take calculated risks and foresee a much greater future for your business are two key characteristics you need every day. Hence, your mood can either make or break your decision-making process. Even if you are a highly organized business person, it will still be tough to manage a career if your home is not suited for your entrepreneurial lifestyle.
The most crucial thing to keep in check is the proximity of your home to your workplace. Whether you are traveling by car to get to work or just staying at home to run your business, a place friendly enough to accommodate all your daily needs is a must.
Hence, if you are an entrepreneur from or working in the south, you might be interested in a thematic lifestyle since it encourages a fresher perspective. Apart from a newer view, available homes in the south will help you get faster to where you work while also keeping you distant from the hustles and bustles of the metro.
Further, it is also a given that your place needs to be near the most important places you need for everyday life. Brittany properties have just the perfect factors you, as an entrepreneur, need. From luxury homes with the perfect vicinities, everything is suited out just for you.
A Healthy Lifestyle Results to a Better Life

As we age, it is inevitable that bigger responsibilities also come our way. As we struggle to meet the demands of our work, health, family, friends, and loved ones taking a bit of time for yourself to sort things out is fine. In fact, your future self will thank you for it.
As an entrepreneur, you have the tendency to focus on fulfilling others’ needs ahead of your own, and sometimes, it results in a chaotic rather than a productive life. As fatigue and stress overwhelm you, setting up your own health and fitness journey is important. Thus, allot time in sorting things out and getting yourself the recharge you deserve. Heeding this health and fitness guide for busy entrepreneurs is not easy in one go, but trying to perfect it consistently will surely result in a successful fitness journey.
With that being said, getting physically and mentally fit is easy once you get the perfect place and have a routine you love doing; especially if what you found is suited for busy entrepreneurs like you. So, if you need help on what places are highly ideal, Brittany is here for you.
Wherever you are in the South, whether you are in Alabang, Sucat, Sta. Rosa, or Tagaytay, luxury homes with the most relaxing environment for busy entrepreneurs await you. Do not think twice and invest in a beautiful home you and your family deserve.
Are you thinking of making a switch to a healthier and happier life today? Brittany is always ready to tend to your queries. It is not too late to start building the life you have always dreamt of. Steer your way to entrepreneurial and personal success and let Brittany be the one to guide your start!
Sun, Carolyn. (October 27, 2017) How do your exercise habits compare to Elon Musk’s Mark Zuckerberg’s and Sheryl Sandberg’s? Entrepreneur. Retrieved from
Branson, Richard. (April 7, 2017) My (usual) daily routine. Virgin. Retrieved from
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