Forest Bathing: The Bare and Pure City of Pines

Baguio City is known to be a place of relaxation and enjoyment. With its relaxing weather, remarkable tourist destinations, and hospitable community, people keep coming to experience tranquility. But deeper into the city within the famous Camp John Hay- where you can find much-needed solitude. Forest bathing trail in Baguio is a relaxing activity that you can enjoy in the city of pines.

The location of Baguio- which is 1,540 meters above sea level makes its temperature low and allows pine trees to thrive. It has been a part of Baguio’s history and has become entangled with its culture and people. It has been asserted many times how those heading to Baguio would frequently smell the fragrant, strong, and pleasant scent of pines blown by the fresh mountain air long before they even view the city. Who knew that these trees could bring serenity and peace of mind? Have you ever heard of Forest Bathing?

What is Forest Bathing?

Hiking on a Trail

Forest Bathing, or shinrin-yoku, is a meditation practice that originated in Japan. It is believed that you will find inner healing by connecting with nature, or specifically with the trees. During the 1980s, people started to understand the harm that depression, distraction, and aches and pains might do. These impacts are already evident in cities across the globe and have only gotten worse over time. And so, this practice aims to provide an eco-remedy for digital burnout and motivate people to appreciate and safeguard the country’s forests.

In-depth forest bathing has been shown to provide health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and levels of damaging hormones like cortisol, which your body creates when you are stressed. You may feel more at ease and relaxed as a result of this.

What are the steps to forest bathing?

The method of forest bathing is not just about strolling around the park and enjoying the view. It must be seen as a meditative pace and allow yourself to manage your stress and anxiety, and improve your well-being by nature. To prepare your mind and soul before taking a forest bathing, here are some helpful reminders and steps to an effective meditation:

1.       Omit the use of gadgets

The main objective of your forest bathing is to distance yourself from all distractions. It will help you to focus on your sound mind and enjoy the forest-based sensory experience. You can activate airplane mode on your phone.

2.       Take your time

As you wander down a hiking trail, take your time and observe your surroundings. Every so often, pause, sit down, and take in your surroundings. Remember not to be in a rush. You can take a 10-20-minute stop to locations that you find peaceful. Try to align your body movements with the natural rhythm of the forest by walking slowly and quietly.

3.       Find a restful spot

Select a comfortable place where you can sit for quite a while that is comfortable. But remember to avoid doing anything that can disrupt an animal’s habitat. Look for symbols to help establish this location as a monument because you might think of coming back for another bathing session.

Appreciating Nature

4.       Connect with the nature

You actively engage your senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch when you take a forest bath to connect with the environment. To experience your natural environment in distinct ways, get near the plants, trees, and rocks around you. Bring each sense to your attention one at a time. Be alert and take note of the little things in nature. Be aware of elements that are not just visual, do not just feel and view the objects. Take note of the sounds you hear. Recognize the scent and sensation of the air. Try to comprehend how it enters your body and strikes your skin. Observe the scents of nature by taking a slow, full breath in and out.

forest bathing trail baguio

5.       Conclude

As a tradition, a concluding session is done after the forest bathing. Usually, it is finished by having a tea ceremony. You can also consider a little snack or a glass of water or juice to keep you nourished during this contemplative process if tea does not have any cultural or relaxing value for you. Keep in mind that this is intended to be a slow respite from the mindfulness of forest bathing rather than a thoughtful eating experience. The purpose is to return to the flow of urban life after the nature immersion experience. It is called the “Threshold of Incorporation” period- where one can gradually return to normal life.

Forest Bathing Trail-Baguio

In the southern and eastern parts of Camp John Hay, you will find a long hiking track called the Forest Bathing Trail-Baguio that loops and swirls through pine forests. It is a beginner-friendly hiking trail manageable for amateurs and is best suited for those seeking a peaceful and tranquil stroll along the way with nature. Initially, the hiking trail was known as the Yellow Trail. It was renamed after it won a bid for a place for recreational activities and tourist spots at Camp John Hay.

How long is the Forest Bathing Trail-Baguio?

The entire length of the Forest Bathing Trail-Baguio is 2 kilometers. It was divided into nine (9) checkpoints. It takes on an elongated shape, with the exit and the entry being close together (either Point 1 or 9), each having a distinguished characteristic, such as a resting place. Depending on where one begins, the trail first travels to the south, turns at the furthest point, and then travels north for the remainder of the distance.

The Forest Bathing Trail has two primary trailheads and endpoints. One is located on the western slope of Scout Hill near the far end of the parking area. The majority of hikers start here at Point 1. The other is located further uphill, next to the Butterfly Sanctuary, beyond the playground for kids and numerous picnic tables- this is Point 9.

What can you see in the Forest Bathing Trail-Baguio?

Forest Hiking

For a more challenging hike, entering from Point 9 and exiting at Point 1 is suggested. Following this trail, here are the guides on what you will expect and see along the way.

The Entrance

As you enter from the trailhead and the welcome arch— a rough, unpaved, and rocky pathway, bordered on each side by grass, shrubs, and trees will be seen. The gate that blocks access to the adventure park known as Tree Top Adventure is reached by following this track. Massive and hefty pine trees thrust knotted roots across the path and spread wide branches in the sky. You will notice that no cars, pollution, noises, or plenty of people are in this area. Nature is all there is.

Different Trees

As you walk and head along to Point 8, you will see another arch. This point has an altered environment- the change of environment can be noticed by feeling the not-so-cool breeze. Numerous trees like banana, papaya, pomelo, guava, and even coffee made it look more like a tropical forest than a pine forest.

The Mountain View

A view from the east is the Cordillera range. You will see the beautiful and tall land masses as if it were a sea of mountains. Its hue adds to the majestic view as it seems to be a reflection of the sky.

The Halfway Trail

Strolling the trail will let you hear the sounds of nature made by the chirping birds. Different varieties of birds such as sparrows, mynas, sunbirds, and warblers are everywhere. Upon reaching half of the hiking trail, which is near Point 5, an old guardhouse will be seen.  A diversion will come along- the left way continued on a largely level path while the right path climbed a hill. While the left path marks the start of the Blue Trail, the right path is a continuation of the Forest Bathing Trail or the Yellow Trail.

The Blue Trail is a side trail that leaves the Forest Bathing Trail-Baguio and then loops back to it. This path is curved and spans a distance of about a hundred meters from where it leaves the trail to where it rejoins it. You can also see one of the highlights of the hiking which is the most extensive collection of wind chimes on either trail.

The Energy Rock

You are nearing Point 3 if you see this massive rock across a wooden footbridge. It is called the Energy Rock which is about 10 feet high. Many have claimed that by touching the rock, it will pass on energies that may enhance concentration, strength, and confidence.

Ready to experience the Forest Bathing Trail-Baguio?

The city of Baguio is indeed a haven for relaxation. If after you take a forest bath and feel like you fell in love with Baguio, we have the perfect home for you to recapitulate serenity- a luxury condominium in Baguio is for you!

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Read more: Swiss Interior Design Ideas For Your Baguio Condo