Earth Day: Giving Back To The Earth

Earth is the only known planet where humankind can survive, and it is vital that this planet be protected and cherished. Earth Day is a global holiday that celebrates planet Earth and allows everyone to participate in activities and practices to help give back to Earth.

When is Earth Day?

Celebrated on April 22, Earth Day brings together communities and families from all walks of life and unites everyone in an environmental movement that aims to raise awareness of the planet’s current state and how best to take care of the earth.

What is Earth Day and why was it created?

In 1970, San Francisco activist John McConnell and Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson were worried about serious environmental issues in America such as air pollution, the harmful effects of pesticides, and toxins in drinking water. McConnell and Melson organized separate grassroots demonstrations and protests. On April 22, 1970, the inaugural Earth Day was observed, a day chosen by Senator Nelson. During that time, 20 million Americans joined the protest.

Following the success in the first Earth Day celebration, President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency and passed laws focused on protecting the environment. These laws were the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Clean Water Act.

In 1990, Harvard graduate Dennis Hayes organized the first global celebration of Earth Day. This global event brought together 200 million participants from over 140 countries.

How do we celebrate Earth Day?

Save the Earth Initiative

Today, Earth Day has grown into an incredible global movement that many people participate in. Millions of people from around the world celebrate earth day by raising awareness about various environmental concerns like greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, and plastic pollution. Communities and different groups also take action on this day to organize clean-up drives or tree-planting events.

If you want to give back to the Earth and celebrate Earth Day in 2023, here is a list of activities you and your family can do. These little acts of kindness to the earth and to nature is a simple way to give back and to protect our planet. Feel inspired by the different practices you can do to make Earth Day 2023 more special.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The three Rs have been taught in schools for a long time, but Earth Day may be a great day to recommit to these simple Earth-friendly practices.

Cut back on the quantity of waste you generate by being conscious of what you purchase. Prioritize buying zero-waste products if you can, or opt for products with biodegradable or reusable packaging.

Reuse what you have at home. Glass jars from sauces of condiments can be reused as dry goods containers. You can take your old things and find a new way to use them, such as taking your old clothes and repurposing them into cleaning rags. Instead of automatically throwing things away, see if you can find a way to reuse them. There is no limit to the creative ways you can reuse things.

Recycling is another way you can celebrate Earth Day. Take recyclable items such as aluminum cans, glass, and cardboard and take them to recycling plants near you so they can be properly processed.

Support the Bees and Other Plant Pollinators

Pollination is a crucial step to keep the ecosystem balanced. Without pollination, people from around the world won’t have access to fruits and different plant products that are essential to daily life. Bees and other pollinators like birds and butterflies have a significant impact on the ecosystem and the environment.

To help bees and other pollinators, fill your garden with plants and flowers that attract these pollinators. Look up the native plants in your area that are beneficial for bees and birds, and try to plant them in your garden.

Refrain from using harmful pesticides or fertilizers that can harm these precious pollinators, as without the bees, birds, and butterflies, global crop production could face serious issues.

Use Eco-friendly Household Products

Another thing you can do to take action for Earth day is to switch out your household products to ones that are more sustainable and eco-friendly. Join the environmental movement on Earth day.

A simple way to do this is to swap out your cleaners with strong chemicals for more natural concoctions. Decrease the plastic you have at home and invest in containers and tools that are reusable and will last you for years. Instead of using plastic wrap, try switching to beeswax wraps. Choose organic and natural products whenever possible and the environment will thank you.

Join a Tree-Planting Event

Beauty of Nature

Trees do so much for the environment. They support soil health, absorb carbon dioxide, provide oxygen, provide shade, and support the delicate ecosystem. Deforestation has been a huge problem throughout the years, so why not give back to the planet by planting a tree on Earth Day?

Get in touch with local environmental groups to see if they have any tree-planting events planned. It is best to plant local or native trees in protected and controlled areas for maximum benefit. Planting trees as a family can even become your yearly Earth Day tradition.

Join a Plastic Cleanup Drive

Beach Clean Up

Plastic pollution is one of the world’s biggest environmental problems today. While plastic has made things much more convenient, at the same time, plastic waste has become such a nuisance. Microplastics threated the environment, especially the wildlife that unknowingly consume or become trapped in plastic trash.

With a cleanup drive, you can join an organzed group that go to certain areas and collect plastic or any non-biodegradable trash you see. Collecting plastic and ensuring they are responsibly recycled or disposed of will do wonders for the planet.

Conserve Water

Everyone knows the importance of conserving water. If you already practice mindful use of water, such as turning of the faucet properly when not in use, then you are off to a great start. If you want to do more for the planet by using water wisely, there are a few things you can do.

On Earth Day, you can invest in a simple rainwater collecting system. This way, you can collect rainwater from your roof and gutters and use it to water your plants. A more sophisticated rainwater collection system can also enable you to use collected water to flush your water closets.

Introduce Your Kids to the Importance and Beauty of Nature

Earth Day is officially celebrated on April 22, but you can definitely be kinder to the planet all year. Introduce your children to nature and taking care of the environment and you will instill in them the importance of being responsible keepers of nature and the Earth.

Start small by teaching them about recycling or composting. Plant a little vegetable or herb garden for a fun green project at home. Take your children on walks in parks or areas with lots of trees or greenery. Everytime you go to the beach, make it a habit to pick up any plastic trash you see scattered around and throw them properly at designated garbage cans.

When your young children appreciate the value of nature and the environment, you will raise them to be much more compassionate about the planet.

How Luxury Homes by Brittany Keeps You Connected to Nature

Experience Georgia Club

Good values begin at home. And what better way to instill the value of environmentalism and sustainability in your family than through living in a luxury community that is intertwined with the beauty of nature? Each of Brittany’s luxury residential developments has it’s own unique connection to the environment.

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Luxury and nature go hand in hand with every Brittany luxury property. To find out more, browse our website or checkout our LinkedIn or YouTube pages.