Celebrate Christmas in La Posada
It’s looking more like Christmas.
The past 19 months is quite challenging for most of us. Some lost their jobs. Some businesses were forced to close. And worst, some people lost their loved ones without even saying goodbye. Living in the middle of the pandemic is not just uncertain, but a total heartbreak to everyone. It is indeed a season of losing and missing people.

Behind every mask hide emotions caused by the pandemic| Photo from Unsplash Website
But like most studies show, even in uncertainty and difficulty, Filipinos are considered happy people. They smile when they’re happy. They smile when they’re sad. They smile when life throws storms over them. They smile even if they can afford to have a luxury mansion house. Filipinos are genuinely happy and free-spirited despite hardships. And during this pandemic, they showed to many that the COVID-19 virus cannot stop them from living a happy life. They let many see that Christmas is still worth celebrating.

Filipinos are known to be happy people| Photo from Unsplash Website
Countdown to Christmas
Less than a month and we will all celebrate the most wonderful time of the year and looking around us, it is looking more like Christmas. Christmas Trees are already up. The most beautiful houses in the Philippines are already decorated with Christmas decorations inside and outside signifying that Christmas is now just around the corner. Christmas parties are now left and right as early as November. Above all, you can already feel the cool breeze and the scent of the Christmas season.
Suggested Read: 4 Popular Architectural Styles for Luxury Homes | Brittany Corporation
Christmas in Pandemic
As people are recovering from the impact of COVID-19, and starting to adjust to the new normal, it is great that there is an occasion to look forward. As Christmas is approaching, the reality is not everyone is able to celebrate it, since not everyone has luxury living like staying in the most expensive houses in the Philippines. People are too broken, not just in finances but also emotionally. But let’s face it, there’s something with Christmas that brings the spirit of people up. As if it fills the heart of everyone with so much joy and excitement whether in lack, enough or in abundance.
Christmas this year may still be different compared to the pre-pandemic celebration, but people are now getting the hang of it and learning to celebrate events in a more creative way.
Since lockdowns are beginning to be lifted, there is an increasing number of options on how you can celebrate Christmas. Others may choose to stay at home and to some, going somewhere else is a breakthrough.
One recommended area to celebrate Christmas is in La Posada.

An exclusive community in the heart of Sucat- La Posada.
Where is La Posada?
La Posada is one of the most expensive houses in the Philippines located in the Southern part of Metro It consists of luxury house and lot in Sucat. Considered a top community that offers exclusivity and quality luxury mansion house.
What’s with La Posada?
La Posada brings you authentic Neon-Victorian Architecture designed luxury homes in Sucat. Houses were beautifully painted in pastel colors in the shades of green, yellow, pink, and blue that will give you IG worthy photos and postcard-worthy sceneries. To say that it has one of the most beautiful houses in the Philippines is an understatement. You may want to visit the community and check it yourself.
If you are looking for a beautifully made and detailed luxury mansion house with peace and serenity, having a San Francisco atmosphere, you might want to check on La Posada on Brittany’s Website .
More than its aesthetic, excellence, and value, La Posada is one of the best places to celebrate your Christmas especially the pandemic has taken a toll on us.
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How to Celebrate Christmas in La Posada?
Though there are now loosened travel guidelines and restrictions, celebrating Christmas at home, Christmas in La Posada is still a good and safer idea. Christmas in La Posada would be very much unforgettable not only because it consists of the most beautiful houses in the Philippines but the most expensive houses in the Philippines as well. But its cost is more than fair and enough if one will be able to have their eyes to La Posada’s luxury mansion house.
Celebrating Christmas in La Posada is a dream. Listed are some of the things you can do to celebrate Christmas in La Posada:
Prepare your Gratitude List
The season of a pandemic may not be good but surely there is something good in it. As you celebrate Christmas in La Posada, do not forget to remember the good gifts you received for the whole year. List down your breakthroughs even those ugly ones that turned into a blessing. Put in your list the small and the big things you are grateful for. In this way you are counting your blessings, naming them one by one. May it be being healthy during the pandemic or acquiring a luxury house and lot in Sucat, write it down to acknowledge it and to remember it in times you are feeling lonely or discouraged. Being grateful during Christmas is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Being grateful is one step closer to being happy and contented in life. You can do this simple step as you take your Christmas in La Posada.
Create New Tradition
It is never too late to do something new. Since pandemic has caused a sudden pause in everyone’s life, why not try to do new things as part of the innovation. Christmas in La Posada would be extra special if you alter some things in your accustomed tradition. From buying an already set-up Christmas tree to decorate your luxury mansion house to setting up a Christmas tree with the members of the family is a beautiful additional tradition. It may cost you more time, but more memories will be created in the home. From buying delicious food from high-end restaurants for your sumptuous Christmas dinner to preparing your own and baking some goodies to enjoy together with the family. These are simple samples of creating new traditions that will benefit and cause a healthy impact to your family relationship. Christmas in La Posada would mean so much more if spend with family.
Suggested Read: Christmas Activities in Santa Rosa Laguna | Brittany Corporation
Organize Online Christmas Celebration
Staying in one of the most beautiful houses in the Philippines, you wouldn’t trade spending Christmas in La Posada than anywhere else. Having a luxurious whimsical home is pretty compatible with just celebrating Christmas virtually with your family and friends. Due to the pandemic, it is but a good idea to organize online gatherings especially with relatives and friends you haven’t seen for a long time. This is quite inexpensive compared to physical get-together with the addition that it is a lot safer to do in this uncertain time. While you enjoy your stay at home, you just have to plug in online, and then you can now play games, share life stories that you missed sharing with others, eat together even virtually, watch movies together, and not to mention capturing photos together where you will be complete even your miles apart. That’s the magic of the internet, keeping everyone closer as if they are just by your side. A smart thing to do while you celebrate Christmas in La Posada is to maximize your technology.

The beauty of technology, you can all be together| Photo from Unsplash Website
Support Local Businesses
The Christmas season has been a time of giving, a time of extending hands to those who are badly needed. One thing you can do with your Christmas in La Posada that will both benefit you and the other party is supporting a local business especially the small ones and those who are just starting their business journey. It is not showing sympathy to the small people but appreciating and seeing beauty in their very own talent and creativity. Supporting the products that were made by love, fear, and hope that one day they will succeed in the path that they took. If you are able to buy luxury home for sale, and you can afford the luxury homes in Sucat then supporting local businesses is not a thorn in the flesh. Supporting small businesses for your gift-giving can help other people and will give an extra yet significant meaning to the gift. Please don’t forget to do this as you spend Christmas in La Posada, and even Christmas ends, may it be a habit to support the locals.
Wear a Fancy Dress for Dinner
It’s been quite a while since you put on an all-out-get-up because of the pandemic. Take your Christmas in La Posada as an excuse to wearing a fancy dress even for a dinner. As you prepare a delicious meal for the whole family, you might want to pair it with your most expensive cloth to not just look good but to feel good. As you stay with family or friends in your luxury homes in Sucat encourage everyone to dress up presentably as if you are going somewhere far. You don’t need guests to dress fancy, get on your wardrobe and start preparing for your Christmas get up as you celebrate Christmas in La Posada.
Exchange Gifts with Family Members
The spirit of Christmas is more alive as we give gifts to the people we love. Organizing exchange gifts, Kris Kringle, or Secret Santa is a must to add fun to your Christmas in La Posada. Gifts don’t have to be grand such as luxury house and lot in Sucat nor one of the most expensive houses in the Philippines, it can be a simple little gift wrapped with the warmth of love.
Shop online and Send Someone a Surprise Gift in Front of Their Door
Christmas brings mixed emotions to some people. To the majority, as Christmas is approaching, there’s joy and excitement, but to some who are forced to celebrate alone, the story is different. Christmas is just another day. Think of a person who you might think would not love to celebrate Christmas. As you have that person in mind, think of a gift that would bring a smile to his face. As you spend Christmas in La Posada, hold on to your phone, visit a trusted online shop and add to the cart a gift that would make someone else’s Christmas memorable. Doesn’t have to be too expensive, a simple thought would mean a lot. As you have decided and chosen that wonderful gift, purchase and let it be sent in front of that person’s door. This is will change the game. This will allow you to feel a different warmth in your heart, and to the other person’s heart. A simple gesture of mindfulness would go a long way as you celebrate Christmas in La Posada.
A Different Christmas: Christmas Like Never Before
You are not alone. This year’s Christmas will seem to be different from all Christmases you’ve experienced but there will always be a reason to celebrate it. The above things to do for Christmas in La Posada will turn your disappointments from COVID-19 to appointments. Changing your lenses to see what truly matters now. Good thing there is a beautiful luxury home for sale you can check out from Brittany Corporation.

Christmas is not about the good things, it’s about celebrating the small things that matters| Photo from Unsplash Website
Get to know more about Brittany Corporation
To see more of the most beautiful houses in the Philippines under Brittany Corporation, you may see it yourself by visiting their sales offices. You can inquire about all your requirements and specifications. Brittany Corporation doesn’t just offer a beautiful luxury home for sale, but they also have a competitive sales force and people that will make your decision-making easier. You may consult their property managers or sales agents to know more of the luxury homes for sale that are available like the luxury home in Sucat.
Do not let this Christmas come by so fast like a normal day, things to do in Christmas in La Posada are some of the few things you may want to consider adding a little spice to your Christmas celebration. The past two years is challenging, give yourself time to breathe, enjoy, and be refreshed. Celebrate with your family and the people you love.
May your Christmas be filled with hope, joy and love! Merry Christmas!