Brittany Connect: Your Key To Digital Luxury Real Estate

Purchasing a real estate investment can be one of your most accomplished goals in life. To have a house you can call your own is a dream come true. Living in a luxury house is the best part, but no one can skip the steps prior to landing into your doorstep. This phase could be daunting and overwhelming- from house-hunting, document processing, payments, and even after sales, these are a lot to chew. Thankfully, real estate developers alongside digital evolution find ways to make the experience easier, simpler, and faster for its future home owners.

Brittany Corporation is on the move to providing a seamless journey to your real estate acquisition. Worry no more because Brittany customers is lucky to experience the new and advanced Brittany Connect for a streamlined monitoring of their purchased properties until turnover. Stay up to date with this digital addition to your real estate experience.

Brittany Connect Customer Mobile App

What is Brittany Connect?

As part of the innovation in technology, Brittany Corporation has birthed one of the best real estate apps in today’s housing industry, and it has YOU in their mind.

YOU MATTER. This is BRITTANY CONNECT. This real estate digital app is taylor made to home buyers’ usual concerns about their properties- document submission and management, payment process, and housing progress, etc. The Brittany Connect App is like your direct line to your real estate developer whenever, and wherever you are in the world equipped with tools and features to help you.

Customer service at it’s finest is the core of this real estate digital app, making a positive and effective customer service experience. No need to send long emails, or engage to endless calls, this real estate digital app has the ability to provide services in your convenience.

How Do I Log In to the Brittany Connect App?

Like any other mobile apps, Brittany Connect App is very easy to use.

All Brittany Home Owners are qualified to have an account with the Brittany Connect App. To create and access your own account, you simply follow these three easy steps.

  1. Contact your Account Officer to request for a portal access. The account officer will send you an invite through the email you provided in their system.
  2. Check your email to see the invitation from your account officer. This should direct you to your log-in detail where you will be asked to customized your password. Once password is changed, users are to choose “DOWNLOAD” to eventually access the mobile app.
  3. Once downloaded, choose the property developer where your purchase is part of and log-in with your account details.

Note: Any concern, or inquiry don’t hesitate to ask your account officer for they are willing to get your through each and every step of the process.

Brittany Connect

How to Navigate the Brittany Connect App?

As soon as you downloaded the Brittany Connect App, you now have the access to up to date information in the platform. You just have to log-in, and see for yourself the new features of this

What Can I find in the Brittany Connect App?


Online Property Viewing

Once you log-in you will be directed to the landing page of the this digital real estate app. One of the features of this platform is you get to track your properties listed on the real estate digital app of Brittany Corporation. It is very convenient to stay on the loop to check on the progress, and essential information of your purchase.

When you select a certain property you will then be directed to these following information for your reference.

  • Sales Order (SO) Number
  • Property Name
  • Block & Lot
  • Address
  • Unit Number
  • Property Status
  • Usage Type
  • Unit Type


Document Management

The Brittany Connect will also lessen your document processing hurdles as it will organize and guide you for the next step. In this real estate digital app, you can already see uploaded documents, and document still pending for submission.

  • Submitted Documents- In this tab, you will be able to see the documents you already submitted. These were uploaded automatically on the system for easier and faster access by your account officer.
  • Required Documents – For instance, there are still documents you need to submit, this tab will notify you of the requirements for your compliance. You can see here the comprehensive list of must-provide documents to settle your account. If all documents are already passed, you will no longer see any list for submission.

How to Upload Documents?

  1. To upload documents, you just have to “Select File to Upload”. You can select through the drop-down menu for guidance and options.
  2. Attach your selected file and upload.
  3. Click ‘Submit’. Clicking submit doesn’t guarantee that file is already uploaded. A pop-up notification box will be seen on the screen stating that file uploaded will be validated first by your Account Officer.
  4. All submitted documents are subject for verification and acceptance of your Account Officer on the site.


Raising Issue Through Ticket Creation

One of the most important features of the Brittany Connect is the ability to raise your issue or concern to your account officer without visiting their office physically. This feature allow users and property owners to relay their property concerns immediately by creating a ticket.

Spot any problem? Create a ticket right away to help your developer fix the problem. Simply click the ‘I Need Help’ button located at the bottom. Fill out the needed information.

  • Ticket type
  • Ticket subject
  • Ticket description
  • Attached image (You can attach a file to support your concern. This is optional.)

Once information are completed, you will be notified about the success of your ticket creation.

Note: If there is already an existing ticket with the same type, you can no longer create such ticket. Tickets must be resolved first before creating same ticket type.


Appointment Booking or Schedule Meetings

This feature of the Brittany Connect is very helpful especially for busy people. This can be found on the Menu Bar on the upper right of the app. Just click “Appointment”. You no longer have to wait on long ques on call because you can book a meeting in seconds. Click “Book An Appointment” and choose the most convenient time for you based on the calendar provided.

  • Select Property
  • Select Location
  • Select Appointment Type (Document Signing, House Inquiry, Payment, Document Request, Title Concern)
  • Select Appointment Time (Date & Time)
  • Note (This is optional but make sure to write a note if you need any document so your account officer can prepare right ahead)

Brittany Connect download now


Brittany Connect is created for Brittany Home Owners to enjoy the properties and the experiences connected with it. Navigating through this real estate digital app may help every home owner to be connected to its real estate developers and to its community. Whether you are an android or IOS user this is good news for you!

Embrace this change added to your real estate investment journey. Embark to this new technology to streamline process and secure the success of your property acquisition. Be part of our Brittany Connect community. Purchase your first real estate investment with us. Visit Brittany Corporation’s website to get to know more about Brittany’s property listing.

Engage, and thrive with Brittany Connect app where innovation meets real estate. Your Luxury Property, now one click away!