What Are The Basics Of Equestrianism
Back in the day, horseback riding was essential to humans’ everyday lives. Before man-made transportation systems, riding horses was one of the most common ways to travel for centuries. The relationship between humans and horses goes back a long way.
Horseback riding is mainly done as a competitive sport or recreational activity. It is still being used for transportation, but only in a few areas of the world. It is safe to say that the majority of the world no longer depends on horses as a mode of transport nowadays.

What is Equestrianism?
“Equestrianism” comes from the Latin “equester,” which means horse. Equestrianism refers to the skill of horseback riding or horse racing. Many people instantly think of the sport upon hearing the word, but the more broad definition of the term includes horses used for riding for either of the following: transportation, competitive sport, recreational activities, trail riding, or cultural events.
Equestrianism is a popular thing, especially in the West, which is why there are popular terms used, such as western style riding in the world of equestrian. Riding western style refers to a specific set of techniques used in equestrian sports.
Equestrianism for Beginners
Whatever one’s purpose for the fascination or interest in horseback riding, some things needed to be done first before starting to do this activity. Even an experienced rider needs to follow proper protocols and instructions. A wrong move can cost one’s life, so it is best to prepare before taking a horse riding journey.
To avoid accidents, here are some of the basics of equestrianism.

Learn How to Ride a Horse
Every rider should learn the very basic skill of the activity: how to ride a horse. Unless one owns a horse and a huge space to practice regularly, most riders get riding lessons in a conducive facility, starting from the fundamental knowledge and exercises to equestrianism.
Some of the lessons that must be discussed before beginners ride a horse on their own are the following:
- Learning the groundwork for mounting and sitting on a horse.
- Balancing one’s self when sitting on a horse’s back.
- Putting the legs in the right position.
- Knowing how to hold the reins properly.
- Learning to signal the horse to move through the horse’s neck, horse’s head, or other parts of its body.
- Knowing how to street and trot.
Getting Basic Horse Knowledge
Attending lessons in a riding school will teach an aspiring equestrian the ways to safely work around a horse, such as trying, grooming, and tacking up a horse. The most part of these lessons is to keep both the rider and the horse safe throughout the ride. Horses are stronger and a lot bigger than humans, so agitating it can cause serious injuries, even fatal ones.
To stay safe during a horse riding activity, here are some of the tips that a rider should know and practice.

Despite their majestic appearance, horses are known to spook easily. Getting a horse startled can turn into a dangerous situation, especially for beginners in equestrianism. This is why professionals avoid making loud noises and running around horses unless necessary. Better yet, try to exude confidence when working with horses to help the horses feel reassured as well.
Related to this safety tip is making sure not to stand directly behind any horse. Since they are startled easily, there is a huge chance that their reflexes will kick in once they sense something moving behind them. On either right or left foot, young horses can kick very powerful. One wrong move can lead to serious injuries.

Expert riders who walk behind a horse usually make sure that the horse is aware of its presence by calmly putting a hand on them. In case this move still causes a surprise to the horse, its kick will not be as strong, given that the body is against it.
Tacking up a horse, in the same way, need to be practiced before a rider should do it on their own. The first thing to do it is to make sure that there is something on a horse’s back, like a blanket or saddle pad. Afterward, a saddle will be put on top, and loop the stirrups onto the saddle horn so it will not agitate the horse as it might be hitting the belly as the saddle is being placed.
Aside from learning from a professional or those who are doing equestrian sports, it might also be helpful to watch supplemental tutorials to help as it may be confusing at first. Make sure to be gentle and go slow, as any horse’s natural movement might be challenging to work with for a beginner. It is best to know when to gently pull or move things on the horse’s body.
A healthy horse is more likely to be easier to work with. One part of ensuring it is in good shape is properly groomed. There are a lot of obstructions that can cause issues with the horse’s health, such as having its coat covered with dirt, mud, or even manure. The horse’s mouth and horse’s ears also needed regular cleaning. Lastly, it is also important to have its hooves regularly picked to avoid infections due to bacteria.
Having these on track will help in making sure that the horse is in its best condition.
Since grooming a horse has been mentioned, first things first, it will only be possible when the rider knows how to tie the horse up. There are several ways to do it, and learning this should be covered in riding lessons.
Although, the most recommended one when tying up a horse is using a quick-release knot. This will enable a rider to easily free the horse up when it is startled and starts to pull itself back wildly. Also, it will come in handy when the rider finds their hand or finger trapped in the knot due to a surprising move that the horse might make.
Prepare the Proper Attire When Learning How To Ride A Horse
Whatever those riding skills will be used for, whether for sport or a hobby like a trail riding horse walks, it is important to have the proper attire for it. Professional equestrians look elegant with the “uniform” used in the sport. The bonus is that it gives the idea of the proper equestrian attire for beginners.

One of the most important pieces is wearing hard, close-toed shoes to make the ride will be easier and more comfortable. There is a specific type of boots made for horse riding. This is not only for convenience while riding the horse, but it can also help when accidents happen, such as the horse stepping on your foot which happens a lot to riders.
Also, riding some types of vehicles require helmets. This also applies to horseback riding. It must be used for the rider’s protection in unforeseen circumstances.
Learning how to ride a horse can be a great skill to master. It is also a fun activity that many people enjoy. With the proper preparation and practice, knowing how to ride a horse is surely something worth trying!
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