7 Hard-To-Kill Blooming Plants To Bring Color To Your Garden

It is undeniably true that human beings are always drawn to beauty. History is riddled with stories of people utilizing the beauty around them. From the blazing sun that kisses the skin in the morning to the swelling moon that floods the night sky—not to mention the beauty of trees when dancing to the melody of the wind as well as the blooming flowers whose beauty can instantly brighten your day.

Indeed, life is so much better when you are surrounded by the beauty that you appreciate. More so, beauty can please the beholder. As exemplified by one of the finest writers of his time, Oscar Wilde in his masterpiece The Picture of Dorian Gray, explicitly proclaimed that the worthiness of living life is by one’s aesthetic values. Of course, this observation reflected the flourishing aesthetic movement during his time, but Oscar Wilde also made his point when he said, “It [aesthetism/being drawn to beauty] is indeed to become a part of the people’s lives. . . I mean a man who works with his hands; and not with his hands merely, but with his head and his heart.” And what is more beautiful than the art of beautifying a garden through the installment of flowering plants?

7 hard-to-kill flowering plants to bring color to your garden

Having said that, we would like to help you when it comes to the beautification of your garden. May it be a small pocket garden or an enormous one, we have a few colorful plants to suggest to you. It doesn’t take too much time and effort to have these colorful plants in a garden since they are hard to kill, which means they have a longer lifespan. This also means that these plants can serve you longer.

Which plants are hardest to kill?

Hard-To-Kill Blooming Plant #1: Bromeliads

Gardens are supposed to brim with bright colors since colors make everything livelier and more vibrant. When it comes to beautifying your garden, we highly recommend that you go for a type of hard-to-kill power that works as a dazzling houseplant because of the striking array of colors it gives. It will be beneficial to your garden as it easily beautifies your garden and at the same time elevates the ambiance of your home. Bromeliads are known for their tolerance to wide ranges of temperature and so, you will not have to worry about maintaining it under the humid temperature we have here in the country. As a matter of fact, when the temperature gets hot, all you have to do is increase the humidity around the bromeliads as well. You can do this by putting the said plant in a pebble tray and filling the pebble tray with water. A bromeliad is a low-maintenance plant as well. Just place it in an area in your home where a bright but indirect light will reach it.

Hard-To-Kill Blooming Plant #2: Phalaenopsis Orchid

Despite its delicate and soft appearance, the phalaenopsis orchid also known as the moth orchid is considered one of the hardest-to-kill plants out there. This is also the kind of plant that doesn’t take too much effort and time to maintain. Phalaenopsis orchids thrive in areas with bright indirect light. Moreover, moth orchids love warmer places and so they are compatible with the kind of temperature we have here in the country. Plants that thrive in warmer places like these orchids are also in need of placing pebble trays underneath to add humidity. Besides, they bloom beautifully when they are taken care of properly. On the other hand, you have to be mindful of using a bark potting medium for the roots of moth orchids.

Hard-To-Kill Blooming Plant #3: Christmas Cactus

If you’re looking for a flowering plant that is useful for both ordinary days and special holidays, the Christmas cacti are the best pick for you. Christmas cacti are best known for their adaptability skills to the temperature of the place where they are situated. Christmas cacti like it warmer in the day and cooler in the night. Now, if you are thinking of having Christmas cacti for the Christmas season or on any other special occasion in your life, consider preparing the said cacti all year round so that you can enjoy the beautiful full bloom during Christmas.

Hard-To-Kill Blooming Plant #4: Jasmine

This flowering plant is known for its fast-growing abilities. Moreover, it is also a low-maintenance plant because this can grow well under full sun and in light shade, too. Bear also in mind that the jasmine plant thrives in a sheltered position so make sure to put it in the area of your garden where there is enough sunlight to reach it. This kind of flowering plant among others needs loving even though it is easy to grow.

What outdoor plants are hardest to kill

Hard-To-Kill Blooming Plant #5: Sunflowers

Of course, building a garden means dealing with a handful of pollinators. And what is a better flowering plant to have in your garden than sunflowers? They are known for incredibly bringing pollinators to your garden. Considering that they are hard-to-kill plants as well, the benefit of having these towering beacons in your garden would be beneficial to you in the long run. Moreover, if you are the kind of gardener who wants to see more plants with green leaves and flowers in your garden, sunflowers act as massive allelopathic, which is a good asset to your growing garden. This means that sunflowers release plant growth inhibitors to prevent other plants from competing with them. Now, take note that there are other plants that grow well alongside sunflowers. Take, for example, beans. So, if you have beans in your garden, make sure to shelter the sunflowers in the area of your garden far from the beans.


There are still a handful of hard-to-kill flowering plants you can incorporate into your garden but the ones we mentioned are the easiest to grow and find in the market. Beautifying and maintaining your garden are two different labors yet both of them require the same enormous effort to achieve what you want for your garden. And while you may be after the aesthetics, functionality is just as necessary for your garden. These hard-to-kill flowering plants will truly serve you better, and the best thing about this also is the plethora of perks that come with planting these flowers.

On the other hand, this won’t be possible if you do not have the best property suited for your gardening needs. Of course, in order for these hard-to-kill blooming plants to thrive in their respective shelters, they must be planted in the most suitable space for them. At Brittany Corporation, only the best luxury properties are offered. Consider the Italian-inspired luxury houses in Vista Alabang where the Italian lifestyle is promised within the corners of your home.

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