5 Best Self-Help Books for a Healthier Mental Health
If you are reading this article, you are likely stressed, just like most people these days. You may be having general stress from all the things you have been doing and thinking of. You may have been diagnosed with a clinical condition related to mental health. Or maybe it is not like that at all — some people take health-seeking measures even if they are not unwell. That works, too! Aiming for healthier mental health is a very mature thing to do since people just cannot be too careful about it.

Take a mental health break by reading a book | Photo from The Conversation
One thing that will help achieve healthier mental health? Reading self-help books. Whether done purposefully or leisurely, reading can definitely help one achieve more stable mental health and awesome life.
You can read books from any genre at all, and it will still help, so bite the urge to unlock your phone for the nth time today, and consider switching to books, whenever you have the free time. Also, consider looking through magazines to check out some luxury houses Philippines, aside from reading books. Looking at the most beautiful homes in the Philippines just takes the reader somewhere else worth being in, just like books do, and luxury real estate is definitely something Brittany Corporation can offer. Make sure to check out Brittany’s condo for sale and properties for sale for that creative living in the present moment life.
Why the need for healthier mental health?
You have to think about your mental health because it affects your life everywhere. It determines how you interact with your loved ones, the quality of your work, your mood throughout the day — the list is endless. This is one of the most uncertain periods in history, so people have to be prepared for it by having healthier mental health.
The pandemic brought the world all kinds of stresses — anxiety about health, uncertainty in careers, and isolation from loved ones, among others. A person may be one of the fortunate people to be living in one of the most expensive houses in the Philippines, and she still has to take precautions, because COVID-19 does not discriminate between the rich and the poor. One great thing about living in one of the most beautiful homes in the Philippines, though? One gets to self-isolate and feel good about it. This definitely can help achieve healthier mental health — having a fabulous environment and living in a home that has it all for the owner. That’s what one gets when investing in luxury real estate.

A spacious living room for you and your books.
One thing to look for in properties for sale? Ample and safe space for books. A space for big bookshelves is definitely a huge plus for a condo for sale. Although, what’s stopping you from turning one of your rooms into a library, if you live in one of the most expensive houses in the Philippines? A home library will not only impress the visitors, but it can also be a sanctuary. A library is definitely worth considering for people who spend a lot of time with their books.
What are the best self-help books?
A self-help book can really help you when you are struggling with things like self-love, self-discipline, self-confidence, or even self-discovery. While self-improvement books may not answer all our questions for the self-improvement of our own lives, they can at the very least manage stress and self-doubt. It might even spark self-compassion and more fulfilling life where a stop worrying and focus on our personal development.
Now that you know how self-help books and mental health go together, here are five book recommendations for better mental health.
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle | Photo from Goodreads
This did not become an international bestseller for anything. This helped a lot of people get things into perspective when it comes to the way they live. Mr. Tolle discusses the “now” and the self in a way that was never tackled in any other book.
The cover says it is a guide to spiritual enlightenment, but this book can definitely help you achieve healthier mental health. The author himself admitted to being a nervous and anxious wreck until he got the realizations that he detailed in this book. Now he is a spiritual counselor and teacher, and people even ask him for advice, telling him that they want to live the way he does. Oprah Winfrey even said this book helped her get through 9/11. Yes, it is that powerful, so this book can definitely help with anyone’s mental health needs.
One caveat about this book, though, is that it has some spiritual stuff in its latter part. It is a relatively thin book, but it will feel long if the reader is not into the author’s religious agenda. Nonetheless, the first part of the book is still undeniably golden, so make sure to at least read the first fifty pages of the book.
Less is More: 101 Ways to Simplify Your Life by Domonique Bertolucci

Less is More by Domonique Bertolucci | Photo from Amazon
This is one of those one-tip-per-day books that are really helpful. One can take inspiration from it every day, but it can also be read in one sitting, as it is short and sweet.
This book offers tips in different facets of life, like minimalism, relationships, shopping, and even fashion. Everyone can benefit from reading this book and one great thing about it is that Ms. Bertolucci managed to capture a lot with no more than a few sentences per page. She was very straightforward with this book and not at all pretentious.
At the beginning of this book, she even detailed an experience with her husband, wherein they were looking at some properties for sale in Sydney, and they saw an apartment they really wanted. Properties in Sydney were very expensive, just like luxury houses Philippines, but even then, one would get only a small space. The apartment they wanted even had a scenic view, but looking at the space, it just was not enough for all 40 packing boxes they had transported all the way from England.
They decided to get the apartment still, but they had to minimize their stuff to only the things they really wanted in their new home. Now, this is something you do not have to worry about when delving into luxury real estate. Brittany Corporation can offer you the most beautiful homes in the Philippines without having to worry about the space is sufficient. The author is now a lifestyle guru. She has her own website and her clients include business bigwigs, celebrities, and award-winning entrepreneurs.
What Now?: Meditation for Your Twenties and Beyond by Yael Shy

What Now? By Yael Shy | Photo from Amazon
Now, this is a book from yet another used-to-be anxious wreck, so it has tips offered by someone who had a lot of pertinent experiences to share. Ms. Shy wrote this book as a guide for people who want to get into mindfulness, as it is essential to have stable mental health.
In one of the first parts of the book, she detailed her experience in having a nervous breakdown when she was shopping, so she decided to call one of her friends for her, who then told her to calm down and observe her surroundings — the color of the clothes around her, the feel of the fabrics, etc. She also recalled an experience at a meditation course she attended, and how she did poorly, feeling like she was out of place. The latter experience would tell the reader that really, she was just like us because not everyone is a bald man with a long goatee who can get into a trance in just a snap of a finger. Ms. Shy had experiences in being unmindful, so chances are, she can help the reader get into mindfulness with this read.
In this book, she talked about her RAIN method when it comes to dealing with negative (and even positive feelings). RAIN is an acronym for Recognize, Accept, Inquire, and Nourish. This is a four-step process that can help one make sense of her emotions and even help her make decisions about them. Read the book for more details about the RAIN method! She even has tips for mindful eating, mindful technology, mindful walking, etc.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo | Photo from Amazon
A lot of non-readers may have already heard of this bestseller, or maybe watched Marie Kondo in a YouTube video. The book and the author are hyped, as they deserve. Just like Less is More, this book is general enough, so one would be able to apply it in many parts of her life. The power of this book is seen through the five-star reviews where people claimed to have had a divorce or left a toxic job because of this book. Not what one would expect just by reading the title.
This is not just a home-organization self-help read, as it offers pieces of general life advice, all anchored in the belief that one should only keep the things that “spark joy.” This is the one question that the reader should ask herself when she is sifting through her clothes to decide which to keep, when deciding which friends are worth it, etc. Anything that does not spark joy anymore should be discarded for healthier mental health and more peaceful life.
In this book, Ms. Kondo tells her story as a small girl, reading home magazines and absorbing organization tips like a sponge. She would apply the things that she learned in her own room, and nothing just seemed right, until realizing that instead of just organizing, she also needed to let go of stuff that just did not have space in her room anymore. Now, this is something you need not worry about if you live in spacious luxury houses Philippines. Keep all the things that spark joy in you, and find a place for everything!
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin | Photo from Amazon
This book can help the reader achieve all the things promised in the lengthy subtitle. Ms. Morin basically offered 13 of her best tips and expounded on each of them. This is the kind of book one would regret not reading sooner, and the book one would recommend to an emotionally distressed friend.
One of the “things” from the 13 things that the author listed is that mentally strong people do not waste time with the things they cannot control, and instead focus on the things that they can, like their attitudes. Every day, people experience events that they just cannot do anything about — a coworker being means, accidents, the pandemic. They often worry about these things, and really their feelings are valid, but they would do better if they do not waste so much time and headspace just worrying, and instead change their attitudes about changes happening.
Knowledge is power, which is why it follows that books are powerful tools in helping people improve their mental health conditions. There are a lot of self-help books out there and one just does not have the time to read all of them, so here is a shortlist of the better ones.
One more thing to help you with your mental health? Living in one of the most expensive houses in the Philippines that is just sure to have all the space you need for your family, pets, and books. Looking for a house or a condo for sale? Consider Brittany.
Visit Brittany’s official property page to know more about Brittany’s beautiful thematic offerings or follow us on our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts!