Weatherproof Outdoor Furniture To Spice Up Your Balcony

The balcony is one of the most relaxing places in one’s home. Whenever you want a breath of fresh air, this is the first place you’ll think of.

As such, it should be a place of utmost comfort and relaxation. However, the al fresco nature of balconies results in poor furniture choices, as people tend to forget that balconies are prone to weather conditions.

To ensure that your balcony does its part in providing you with comfort, we’ve provided you with a guide on how to make the most out of your outdoor balconies through wise picking of weatherproof outdoor furniture.

What should I look for in Outdoor Furniture?

There is more to furniture picking to just the outdoor appearance of your furniture. Here are some of the factors that we deem important when picking your outdoor furniture.

Functional Furniture & Outdoor Furniture

Of course, the furniture that you choose should be something you can see yourself using often. To make the most out of your purchase, pick furniture that is able to provide you with more than just comfort and aesthetic pleasure.

Weatherproof Outdoor Furniture To Spice Up Your Balcony

Adequate Space & Outdoor Furniture

Balconies are often small in nature, so always take into consideration the size of your balcony when choosing furniture. Don’t choose something too small, or something that won’t fit your balcony.

Make sure that your outdoor furniture doesn’t make your balcony appear cramped, yet also not underwhelming.

Durability & Outdoor Furniture

Due to changes in the weather, you must ensure the sustainability of your furniture. Weatherproof furniture is a must when it comes to dealing with balconies. Also take into consideration the number of times that you can visualize yourself using the furniture.

Durability is very important because getting furniture in and out of balconies is a tedious task, so you’ll want to minimize the number of times that you’ll have to move furniture around here.

Affordability & Outdoor Furniture

Price is always an important factor in any purchase. Since outdoor furniture must be weatherproof, take into consideration that prices may be a bit higher than their regular counterparts.

Weigh the pros and cons into getting the furniture you have in mind, and make sure that the price you’re getting for your outdoor furniture is worth it.

A Preferred Theme & Outdoor Furniture

As a comfort place in the home, the aesthetic of your balcony should also be given importance. Having a theme in your balcony which matches the rest of your home will give you a calmer feeling and a sense of belongingness.

Following this, the furniture that you pick for your balcony should match well with the overall theme you choose. It is always much easier on the eyes when things seem to fall just right in place.

Stylish Furniture & Outdoor Furniture

In conjunction with your theme, it’s good to have style in your furniture. Whether you prefer minimalist or grand styles, shelling out a bit more to give some personality to your furniture can be a good investment.

Something like trading a regular chair to an egg-shaped one can already add so much more appeal to your balcony.

What should I look for in Outdoor Furniture

A Friendly Nature

Balconies are also a great place for conversation. Some of the deepest conversations can be made when partnered with the right atmosphere. As such, it’s good to have a place where you can comfortably enjoy a leisurely talk when you have someone over.

Top recommendations for Your Outdoor Furniture

With all those characteristics taken into consideration, here are some of our top recommended weatherproof outdoor furniture to fit you balcony.

Floor Tiles

The floor is equally as important as the objects placed above it. A striking floor design can leave a huge impact on visitors. Beautiful floor tiles are an absolute must, and it’s especially important if you decide to proceed with low-levelled furniture, such as bean bags or mats.


Being surrounded by nature is always pleasing. A literal breath of fresh air, having greenery is a staple for most balconies. Potted plants are the ones most famously used in balconies, given that they are usually small in nature and don’t pose much as an obstacle.

Privacy Screens

As a place of comfort, you’d want to spend your times on the balcony as private as possible. However, this may not always be the case, especially if you live in an area close to your neighbors. Privacy screens to give you that same feeling and are often installed by using either fabric or bamboo screens.

Decorative Wall

Given that some balconies may be small, space can be quite limited. Decorating the walls of your balcony can be an efficient way to make your balcony look livelier without having to overcrowd your floor area. Planter walls are also a famous installation in balconies.

Comfortable Seating

Of course, you’ll be spending most of your time just lounging around in your balcony. Hence, where you sit is one of – if not the most important furniture you’ll need. Make sure that the seats you choose are one you can find yourself enjoying for extended periods of time – a pallet sofa or pallet couch is one of our top recommended comfort seatings in balconies.

Personal Decorations

Lastly, don’t be afraid to add some personal touches here and there in your balcony. To give the best feeling of comfort, both your body and mind should be at ease. Being able to personally decorate your home is also one of the best ways to make your home more warming to live in.

Peak Comfort in the Luxury Homes of the Elite

Peak Comfort in the Luxury Homes of the Elite

The balcony is only one of the many areas of the home that you spend time in. As the place you’ll spend most of your life in, all aspects of your home should spark joy. When it comes to providing the best daily living experience, nothing comes close to the luxury living by Brittany.

As home to only the most beautiful houses in the Philippines, Brittany ensures top quality in all of its real estate development projects. From the Swiss-inspired homes in Tagaytay, and now, to the luxury condominium in Davao.

Luxury Living in Davao

If you’re looking for a condominium for sale in Davao, then this is the place for you. Brittany’s luxury condo in Davao simply cannot be compared to others given its exquisite portrayal of luxury living.

With world-class amenities and services, this condominium in Davao is sure to exceed even the highest of your expectations. Undoubtedly, Brittany will be able to give you the perfect home with the perfect balcony to start on with this one of a kind luxury condo in Davao.

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