Kyoto Protocol 1997 Climate Treaty: Everything You Need To Know

Climate Change and Global Warming- these are the two issues that require immediate and global response. If you want to know the information and facts about this timely issue, be knowledgeable about the Kyoto Protocol Treaty.

Climate Change is an issue that could bring irreversible effects to our surroundings and could harm living organisms like us. The primary cause of climate change is the emission of greenhouse gases. These gases trap the heat of the sun which in turn has a bad effect in the atmosphere of the earth. There are also spreading threats that we only have a short time to take action and avoid the risks. That is why a protocol was adopted to help decrease the effects of climate change and create a movement that will enable people to be an agent of change. It is never too late to learn about it and take action.

In this article, you will learn more about what is the Kyoto Protocol and what significant amendments were made to limit and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases which are the main factors of global warming.

Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms

Why was Kyoto Protocol made?

The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan. It was the first country to come up with concerns regarding climate change in the year 1997. The primary effects of global warming that could be observed are the changing temperatures of sea waters and air and the melting of snow in countries like Antarctica that may result in rising sea levels. With the global effects, it also requires a global effort and response.

After Kyoto Protocol was adopted in the 1990s, the protocol came into full effect in 2005. So, what is the real deal of the Kyoto Protocol? It is an international treaty added under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). The main targets that will help them contribute to their objectives are the developed counties called the “Annex I Parties”-parties to the Kyoto Protocol that will initiate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The types of greenhouse gases can be identified as the following:

  • CO2 or Carbon dioxide
  • CH4 or Methane
  • N2O or Nitrous Oxide
  • PFC or Perfluorocarbons
  • HFC or Hydrofluorocarbons
  • SF6 or Sulfur Hexafluoride

The Annex I Parties to the Kyoto Protocol are given a timeline or time period to make a difference. The timeline is called the First Commitment Period, where the countries must show actions of emission reduction and commitment to limitations. To monitor the commitments of the Annex I parties, the UNFCCC worked on the systems for accounting and compliance. It will also help them see if their set rules and regulations are strictly followed.

The Kyoto Protocol, Doha Amendment, and Paris Climate Agreement

After the First commitment period ended in 2012, the participating parties conducted a meeting in Doha, Qatar. The second commitment period began, and they amended the protocol that is valid from 2012-2020. It was called the Doha Amendment, which did not have a long implementation.

Under the Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement was born. Still, with the support of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UFCCC), the Paris Agreement seeks to lessen the use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, which are known to be the biggest contributor to climate change. The Paris Agreement was established because of the observed infectivity of the Kyoto Protocol by which the world’s top contributing countries (China and the United States) to carbon dioxide did not participate. Somehow, the new international treaty seeks to improve the lapses to have a better world.

Why was Kyoto Protocol made

What are the main elements of Kyoto Protocol?

Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms

As mentioned above, the main objective of the Kyoto Protocol is to ensure that the participating countries are doing their best efforts regarding the emission reduction targets. In such a way, market-based mechanisms were made to monitor developed countries.

  • Clean Development Mechanism

The Clean Development Mechanism or CDM under the 12th article of the Kyoto protocol allows the Annex I parties to conduct or create a project that will help the developing countries (Annex B) to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. By doing that, they can earn Certified Emission Reduction (CER) credits that can be sold or substituted with one ton of CO2. An example project that can be considered is the use of solar panels. In turn, it not only reduces the emission of greenhouse gases, but also promotes sustainable development.

Temporary Certified Emission Reduction (tCER) is also provided as well. However, because it is only temporary, its expiration is due in a short-term period. But it is also transferrable. All credits are valid for transactions such as issuance, external transfer, cancellation, replacement, retirement, carry-over, and expiration date change. Take note that these transactions can only be initiated by the national registry.

  • Emissions Trading

This mechanism allows one Annex I party to transfer units to another Annex I party. This does not mean that it will affect the load or assignment of the parties, but rather, it will only re-assign or re-distribute the assignments to each other.

The transfer, however, is limited through the use of CPR or Commitment Period Reserve. The CPR is a minimum unit that will help the parties monitor whether they are over-transferring units.

  • Joint Implementation

Just in addition to the CDM, the Joint Implementation allows the Annex B parties, or the countries that commit to the greenhouse gas emissions reduction, to get or earn Emission Reduction Units (ERU). In turn, they will also get a ton of CO2 as well. This also serves as motivation because the compensation from the fulfillment of the Kyoto protocol begets a source of foreign investments and transfer of technology.

The eligibility and approval of JI require a project which started in 2000 and must have proof of emission reduction. It has two approaches that are under the verification process.

-Track 1: Annex B parties with complete eligibility requirements can have their own verification and issuance of ERU.

-Track 2: The opposite, accredited entities are the ones to review and approve the Annex B’s eligibility requirements before issuing their ERU.

Kyoto Protocol 1997 Climate Treaty

How is the Kyoto Protocol doing today?

After the successful and effective replacement of the Paris Climate Agreement, the United States has become the key and primary country that entered into force on. In 2016, President Obama (the current president of that time) called the amendment the “tribute to American leadership.”

Donald Trump, the president of the United States in 2017, withdrew from the Paris Agreement because he believed it would soon undermine the country’s economy. But in January 2021, after Joseph Biden won the election as the US President, he requested and assisted the rejoining of the country to the agreement. It officially became effective after a month of processing.

How to practice the Kyoto Protocol in your home?

This protocol was adopted to create a comprehensive system and help people, entities, and governments to be aware of their actions toward the environment. It is always best to be knowledgeable instead of being ignorant and full of complaints in the long run. As long as we are living here on earth, we might as well take care of it. For us and the future generations, we must be vigilant about all our actions that might directly affect the globe.

In Brittany, we value the importance of making a change for the better. In simple ways, you can participate in the objectives of the Kyoto protocol. For example, instead of using the car when going somewhere near, you can take a walk while strolling around the beautiful scenery. You can also switch to solar-powered appliances to support sustainable development.

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