Sustainability in the Real Estate Industry
Unprecedented floods, typhoons, hurricanes, landslides, food shortages, living space shortages, environmental degradation, and rising water temperatures, these natural disasters are more visible now than ever in the history of humankind and the earth’s surface. All countries worldwide are battling the effects of climate change every day, and truthfully the cause is none other than human activities.
According to the United Nations, 75 percent of the cause of climate change is global greenhouse gas emissions released in our environment of which 40 percent is from the real estate industry and businesses. With this having raised people’s awareness and with the future that is in the mind of the general population, sustainability has been one of the top priorities of the real estate sector.
When looking for a new property in the Philippines that will give you and your family the most beautiful houses in the Philippines, consider Brittany Corporation as one of the marketing firms that will offer you condominium for sale and residential house and lot properties for sale near shopping centers which is located in areas safe from different calamities.
Sustainability and its importance
More than 30 years ago, in 1987, for the first time in history the concept of sustainability started in the famous Doctor Gro Harlem Brundtland report in the United Nation. He defined sustainability as ‘meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. The report presented by Doctor Brundtland was the first warning to humanity about the economic growth and globalization development’s negative environmental consequences.
Sustainability plays an important and undeniable role in commercial real estate as 70% of this industry in urban areas contributes to the global carbon levels and impacts greatly the major environmental phenomenon of climate change.

Sustainability brings all the stakeholders, marketing firms, tenants, property owners, real estate owners, sales agents, and real estate professionals not to assume that global resources are infinite but rather limited. Sustainability ensures that there will always be enough for the future next generation by the careful and conservative use of the earth’s natural resources without sacrificing the present quality of life.
With sustainability and its importance concept in mind, green society or better known as sustainable real estate development was built. Sustainability can also be seen in the most beautiful houses in the Philippines of Brittany Corporation like its condominium in Baguio and house and lot for sale in different areas in the Philippines.
Sustainable Real Estate Development, what does it mean?
In today’s current trend, sustainable real estate development is the process of incorporating environmentally-friendly design materials, technologies, methodologies, and techniques into the whole process of creating buildings. It creates real property that produces major jobs, investments, and businesses that contributes to economic growth without hindering the future taste of a very limited number of resources.
Sustainability real estate development imposes together with standards of government institutions in the real estate industry in different locations around the world. Its main goal is to use strategies and materials that will turn the undeveloped property, raw land, and vacant land into apartments, townhouses, single family homes, permanently attached buildings, commercial real estate, residential real estate, or multi story detached buildings into personal property buildings of a real estate owners that produce less home carbon footprint.
Sustainable real estate development aims to reduce residential real estate and commercial real estate’s impact on the environment, from the materials used to daily operations. Sustainable real estate development helps not just the owners of buildings but also the buyers and realtors to achieve lesser operating costs in their most beautiful houses in the Philippines, condominium for sale, and house and lot for sale. Moreover, sustainable real estate development helps real property owners to create and add value to their investment and business in a world of firms of buildings and residential buildings.
Condominium for sale, such as condominium in Baguio, and house and lot properties for sale of Brittany Corporation offers a wide range of sustainable features that everybody will benefit from. Consider checking the marketing material on Brittany’s website.

The Benefits of Sustainability in the Real Estate Industry
Sustainable real estate development promotes a strong balance and environmental conservation between natural and human systems. With this widely known trend today, the majority of consumers demand sustainable development features in their homes as it will not only save and value their money but will also help the planet by reducing the production of carbon footprint.
Regardless of the season, real estate transactions in residential real estate or separate apartments, materials, and technology are giving the benefits of sustainability in the real estate industry.
Increase Income Potential
The path to sustainability requires commitment and has daunting tasks. There is a lot to consider and learn in compliance with many Republic Acts in the Philippines like RA 6969, RA 8749, RA 9003, and RA 9275. Beyond this, obtaining certifications issued by international and local governing bodies that certify property firms and other properties as sustainable, such as WELL, LEED, BERDE, and EDGE is also an investment.
With all these investments, increase income potential will be benefitted. Consumers nowadays are looking for this certification as they want to have energy-efficient utility systems and homes. Consumers know that they will not just benefit in the present time from green homes and sustainable development but bigger savings and value for them also in the future. Thus, sustainable real estate not just results in increased income potential but also in reduced poverty rate.
Demand Increase and sustainability
Energy costs have risen year-over-year for more than a decade due to the increasing population and increasing demand for energy supply. Thus resulting in limited production of natural resources such as crude oil, coal, and natural gas decrease. Energy consumption is increasing also all across the board and the world. For all these reasons, homeowners are looking to get ahead of increasing prices and fight poverty.
Homeowners are looking in the real estate industry the qualified real estate that offers energy-saving and energy-efficient completed units and new units that lowers the cost and rent of the house and lot for sale. Demand for this kind of sustainable development is increasing yearly.

Moreover, many development financing institutions and credit unions have a clear role in supporting the increase in green affordable housing. Many markets face the urgency to meet the increasing demand for sustainable development and the total attention now is on green construction. Development financing institutions help demonstrate the viability of affordable green housing property and showing units finance through their own investments in partnership with private lenders by fixing deficiencies and collecting rent.
Sustainable property and real estate in Brittany Corporation
Brittany Corporation condominium in Baguio, house and lot for sale, and house and lot properties for sale operate efficiently. In fact, Brittany Corporation home features many various sustainable and energy-efficient parts that benefit homeowners. Brittany Corporation has LEED Certificate that certifies its efficacy and service in providing better properties with the love for their investor’s future and family in mind.
Renovating & Repurposing your homes in Brittany Corporation
If you are thinking of renovating and repurposing your current luxury house, Brittany Corporation got it for you. Brittany Corporation marketing officers and real estate professionals are very honored to assist you when considering implementing sustainable real estate development practices in your current home and if you are looking for another luxurious property that is considered “green” or reduces the production of a home’s carbon footprint.
Renovating your existing structure and retrofitting it with green real estate development features will save you a considerable amount of money upfront and achieve the same goal. Installing solar panels under the Philippines’ climate is also beneficial in making your real property a green home and sustainable real estate property. At the very least, get and consider the benefit of natural renewable resources your home’s location environment has to offer to achieve the sustainable real estate development you want.
Remember, every step in the right direction of sustainability is a win for the planet and for you. Make it with Brittany Corporation!
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